12th Meet-up in Wuzhou on August 20th, 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Wuzhou
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Yuelongsha Restaurant, No. 2 Jixiang Road, Wuzhou Changzhou District
:calendar: DATE: 2023.08.20
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00-16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: While enjoying delicious food with friends in the team, we exchanged postcards together and shared our experience of traditional culture in Wuzhou area.


Helllo, looking for swap this beautiful postcard
Here is my offers TanyaKuklina | Zonerama.com

Hello! Can I swap with you for your beautiful postcard?

Sure. Can I see your postcards?

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May I exchange this postcard?

sure, send you a pm

My cards for swap:
If my link doesn’t open I can send the postcards’ photos here. Then write me your favorite topics and I will pick up postcards for you.
Thank you!

Hello, I can’t see your link. I prefer postcards of illustrations, winter, fireworks and anime characters.

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Do you use telegram? I have my postcards there for swap and can send you a link.

Sorry, I haven’t used this yet.

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Hi! Can i exchange this postcard with you?

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Hi! Sure, with plesuare. Write me your address.

My address:
To: Anastasiya
ul. Sovetskaya, 104
pos. Sargatskoye
Omskaya obl.

ok!This is my address:

1- 12C,Sunny Bay 2 phase
Keyuan South Rd,
Nanshan District

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Great! Please show me proof before you send postcard. I’ll do the same. Thank you!

Hi, these cards have me enthralled! Would love to trade for #1 and #4

My offer:

Hello! Can i exchange these postcards with you?

Yes, I’ll send it with pleasure! :lotus:

Can you give me your address?

ul. Centralnaya d. 17a, kv.23
222202 g. Smolevichi, minskaya obl.
Republic of BELARUS

I already saw your address above :hugs:

Hello! I wanted to know if the exchange is still relevant? Or have you changed your mind?