12th July '23 - Stade Jos Nosbaum DIDDELENG

:world_map: CITY/REGION: 3481 Diddeleng
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE:
Kantin, 2 place Thierry van Werveke
Stade Jos Nosbaum, Rue du Stade
:calendar: DATE: 12th July 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 4 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

At 12th July 2023 the this year Conference League starts for F’91 Diddeleng with a first fight against St. Patricks AFC Dublin (Ireland). The match starts 7:30 pm.

The idea is to support F’91 during the match and to write or sign a couple of stadium postcards before the game or during the half time break.
At 4 pm the Kantin opens near by the stadium. So depending on your working shedule we can meet there and go into the stadium together.

There will be postcards of the Nosbaum stadium.

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Amazing idea!
I am so frustrated to know that I won’t be able to join, but would be happy to swap :blush:

Hello Niklot,
Please ad me.

There is a nice brewery that opened a month ago close to the stadium. It would be a 10 minute walk max.


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Hi, thanks for the notice. I 'll be there . For me, more or less just around the corner :laughing:

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