12 November 2022 - Flavia de Luce Mysteries Fan meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rostov-on-Don, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe “Pit kofe”, Soborniy pereulok, 17/53, Rostov-on-Don
:calendar: DATE: November 12, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Fans of Alan Bradley’s novels about a young detective chemist tremble. The Rostov-on-Don postcrosser community offers you a unique postcard with a witty poison lover Flavia de Luce.

15 years ago, in 2007, Bradley’s wife Shirley heard on the radio about the contest “Debut Dagger Fiction” held by the British Association of Crime Writers and pushed her husband to write something about a little girl. This is how the first pages of the novel “The Sweet At The Bottom Of The Pie” appeared, the main character of which was a girl named Flavia de Luce. After winning the competition for the rights to the book, a real war began, and already on June 27, 2007, the writer sells the rights to the first three books.

It is surprising that, despite the fact that the action of the first novel takes place in England, Bradley never left the territory of Canada and visited the foggy Albion for the first time to pick up the “Debut Dagger Fiction” award. At the same time, the “The Sweet At The Bottom Of The Pie” is literally saturated with the atmosphere of a rainy and slightly dull English outback. Description of the interiors of the de Luce family estate Buckshaw transfers to the real premises of a neglected and cold, but insanely interesting and full of secrets of an ancient estate. You don’t just read about the events taking place, you become a participant in it. You feel the cold when you enter the cathedral, the warmth when Flavia crawls under the blanket to warm up, the smells of chemicals when a young chemist creates in his uncle’s former laboratory, the wind blows over your face when the younger de Luce rushes on a bicycle and you start thinking like her.

​The first of the novels about Flavia de Luce is also directly related to postcrossing. Yes, yes! After all, this story involves the world’s first postage stamp “Black Penny”, which will lead the detective to the King of England himself.

We will sign beautiful postcard with Flavia de Luce by our painter Anna Kuznetsova.


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