12 June 2021 - Postcrossing Meetup in Monforte: Lois Pereiro (Galician poet)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Monforte de Lemos
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Ateneo Casino
:calendar: DATE: June 12
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 GMT
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Still to be detailed since we are planning some activities in coordination with the Ateneo Casino and the Council (probably a guided tour and a music concert) but for now what’s for sure is that we will be printing a special Postcrossing meetup card with verses by Lois Pereiro (25 years since he died).

This is the 4th meetup we are organizing in Galicia. Exciting!

If you would like to receive a meetup card, please send yours with your address to:

Avenida de Galicia, 31, 27400 Monforte de Lemos, Lugo (SPAIN)

Looking forward to receiving your cards! It would be really great if you could include a verse or a small poem in your mother tongue, thanks.


Me encantaría recibir una postal de este meeting, ¿Qué debo hacer?

He enviado mi postal. Espero que os guste :blush: Mi dirección va en ella.

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Gracias! Hemos respondido a todos los que nos habéis escrito. Estábamos esperando los sellos conmemorativos, así que probablemente este mes enviaremos todas. Gracias por la paciencia!


No hay prisa, muchas gracias.

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@diana_pastoriza hoy recibí vuestra postal. Muchísimas gracias!!! :kissing_heart::hugs:

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¡Qué bien! Gracias por escribirnos :pray::slightly_smiling_face:

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