11 December 2021 - New Year's meeting in Moscow

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Moscow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Anticafe CheckPoint, Moscow, Myasnitskaya str., 17, p. 2
:calendar: DATE: 11.12.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: New Year is the most magical holiday!
Of course, he will sign special greeting cards, we will communicate, exchange gifts.
The meeting will be full of fun and joy!
If you like these postcards and want to find an exchange.
Please write messages here in the subject of the meeting.


Хочу обмен на первую открытку. Мой обменник:

Hello, I like these two postcards so much. May I exchange them with you?This is my offer:


Хочу на обмен обе открытки, предлагаю такую, то есть обменяюсь с двумя людьми :slight_smile:

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Hello! I like your meet up cards , and would like to swap several of them! Maybe you can choose smth from me? Here is my swap album https://disk.yandex.ru/a/pnE4KhPRRjYtQA

Хотелось бы поменяться на муми-троллей, в обмен могу отправить тигрёнка с костромской встречи:

May I have a swap?

offer here~~~~~

MEETTUP PC (douban.com)

Hi! I would be interested in a swap si still possible?:slight_smile: if anyone is interested I can exchange the postcard of the meet on December 18th in Genoa :slight_smile: thank you very much