10 September 2023 - International Joint Meetup in Moscow

:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Anticafe CheckPoint Myasnitskaya str., 17, p. 2, Moscow
:calendar: DATE: 10.09.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

International Joint Meetup - Moscow, Russia x Beijing, China x Yantai, Shandong, China

“Chinese architecture in Russia”

The Chinese landscape Park “Huamin” is built on the territory of the Chinese business center. The park occupies 5.25 hectares, and the area of buildings in the traditional style is 5000 sq. m. At the moment, Huamin is one of the largest Chinese parks outside of China.

The objective of the project was to create a traditional Chinese park in Moscow. All architectural and planning solutions are designed in the style of classic houses of Northern China – Siheyuan (buildings in the buildings are located along the perimeter of courtyards) and complemented by characteristic Chinese park gazebos and open galleries.

We’ll sign postcards at the Anti-Cafe and then take a walk in Huamin Park :slight_smile:

You can find the second postcard in the post [Beijing-UCPC x Yantai, Shandong, China x Moscow, Russia] International Joint Meetup Sep.10th 2023


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