1 September 2023 - International cat's day. Meet up in Karaganda

CITY/REGION: Karaganda, Kazakhstan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Karaganda N-Abdirova str, 32, Coffeein
:calendar: DATE: 01.09.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: signing a number postcarts to swap


What a pretty girl.
Does anyone want to swap this card for another Meetup card from Germany?

Hello~I am xinyu and i come from china, I would love to exchange this beautiful card! So anybody who can swap it with me~ I am looking forward to hearing from you ~

Hello, I’m from Indonesia.

What a nice meetup card!

Can i get one?

Please PM me if we can swap.

Всем привет!) ищу обмен на девочку с облаками

@alinakali Would you still have some of these cards left? I’d be super happy to swap them - here are my suggestions: Postcrossing Swap Cards – Google Drive
Thank you so much!