1 October 2023 - World Postcard Day Meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: - 12 different cities of India
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: In Bangalore Meghdoot Auditorium (Philatelic Bureau/ offices of Philatelic societies in other cities)
:calendar: DATE: 01 Oct 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11 am onwards
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
postcrossers and philatelists will assemble at pre decided places in various cities of India like New Delhi, Vadodara, Prayagraj, Bengaluru, Chennai, Coimbatore, Anand, Shimla, Dehradoon, Bhubaneswar , .Lucknow,Shimla, Mumbai .to celebrate World Postcard Day
these cities will be linked through zoom for interaction among all participants.
A picture postcard as an ambassador of India to the world will be released.
Moreover all participating Philatelic Societies/association/clubs will issue a postcard highlighting there regional culture and heritage.
These picture postcards will be available for exchange among Indian postcrossers and with other postcrossers of the world.
Interested postcrossers may contact at vibrantpsoi@gmail.com for further details or whatsapp +9199455 16333 / +917483602315 or +91 6364 140 877
For participating in the meetup, you may fill up the following form


Any postcards using the World Postcard Day logo must include the attribution.

The World Postcard Day Logo is available under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. This means you are free to copy and redistribute it in any medium or format, as long you include an attribution to β€œworldpostcardday.com”.

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Have fun at the WPD meet-up


Great Initiative. Looking forward to be part of it.

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This is a fantastic initiative… I look forward to joining this with the members from Mumbai!!

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Wish you all a great WPD

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Great Initiative :+1::+1:

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thanks for your support.

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thanks for your good wishes


thanks for your good wishes and support.

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thanks for your good wishes and participation.

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Looking forward to this meetup Col Uncle.

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you will be our guest of honour

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I’m looking forward to join the meet up with 2 more Postcrossing members in my family. :slight_smile:

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good. first you confirm your presence as " going"

@akhilpreeti sir,
Its great initiative. Thank you all for arranging such an event. I will be happy to be a part of this event; will be coming to Baroda to attend.

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Eagerly awaiting for this Occasion

hope to meet you again soon