1 October 2023 - World Postcard Day in Novosibirsk

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Novosibirsk, Russia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Main post office, ul. ​Sovetskaya, 33, 1st floor
:calendar: DATE: 1.10.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Hello everybody! October is rich in holidays. Only in the first week we celebrate World Postcard Day, World Space Week and World Mail Day. In connection with these holidays, we decided to meet and sign wonderful postcards for these three events!

Postcards to WPD



Postcards to WPD

Postcard to WSW

Postcard to WMD


Ищу обмен на эту открытку

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Please confirm that the attribution for using the World Postcard Day logo is on this postcard.

The World Postcard Day Logo is available under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. This means you are free to copy and redistribute it in any medium or format, as long you include an attribution to “worldpostcardday.com”.


Hello! I prepared the layout for the back of this card. There is attribution - #worldpostcardday and worldpostcardday.com are stated, as per the rules.


Напишите в лс, если еще не нашли обмен

Добрый день. Я бы хотела принять участие во встрече 1.10, объясните правила))

@_FIZZ_ написала вам в л/с)

Hi everyone,

I would love to swap the cute animal postcard, the design is awesome :blush:

I can exchange with the Montreal WPD meetup card :slight_smile:

Hello! Write me PM :slight_smile: