1 October 2023 Calgary WPD and Postcrossing Meetup

:world_map: Calgary, Alberta
:pushpin: Calgary Central Library, 800 3 Street SE
:calendar: October 1, 2023 MST
:alarm_clock: 12 noon to 3pm
:page_facing_up:Please note that that this meetup is SUNDAY OCTOBER 1!
Come and join us as we celebrate World Postcrossing Day with our Postcrossing friends in our beautiful Central Library, It is always fun to put faces to the names that we know.
Everyone attending should bring a pen, or coloured pens, some stamps, and a set of addresses to send. Some will bring stickers, rubber stamps and their individual ink stamps to decorate their cards; the only limits are your imagination. Many bring postcards to swap and there will be envelopes of WPD and Postcrossing cards to purchase at the event.
It is always fun to get together with others who share the same interest and time spent at a meetup will more often than not create bonds with the people present. It is always pleasant and should you have any doubt about attending a meetup, please leave them at home and join in the fun, you won’t regret it!


I am looking forward to attending. This will be my first meetup. I just started postcrossing in May and am really enjoying it.

Nice to meet you, It is going to be fun

Howdy from Cochrane! I am able to attend this one and looking forward to meeting y’all!

That would be awesome to meet you! Let me know if you have any questions!
Happy Postcrossing!

I will attend. Do you need us to sign up somewhere?

Welcome Birdslov3R,
Hey, so happy to meet you, and consider yourself registered .
If you wish the packet of WPD/Calgary meetup postcards, let me know and I will put your name on one. 11 postcards for $10, totally optional as there will be lots of free postcards on the swap table.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Happy Postcrossing!

Can I sign up? This will be my first ever meetup!

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It will be wonderful to meet you! By replying to me, you are signed up for this meetup! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Happy Postcrossing!

It will be wonderful to meet you! See you Oct. 1!
Happy Postcrossing!

Can I ask what the Calgary/WPD cards look like before I purchase?
And what kind of postcards will be available to swap?

I wish that I could send you a photo of the postcards that will be in the envelopes available for pre purchase at the meetup. If you can pm your email to me, I can send you a photo.
As for the postcards to swap, there will be something for everyone. I also have some Calgary meetup postcards from previous meetups.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Wish I could be there. Have a great meet up! Always a fun time.

I am happy to be coming! It will be fun to meet old friends and new friends!

It has been a long time, my friend, looking forward to seeing everyone!

Would love to put my name down for an envelope of WPD/Calgary meetup cards, if there’s still one available - looking forward to the meetup! :smile:


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hi! Could you please add me to the list as well?

looking forward to this I will be there!

I will be there as well!