1 May 2022 - San Diego Postcrossers

:world_map: CITY/REGION: San Diego
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Nola on 5th 3683 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
:calendar: DATE: May 1, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12-3pm, PDT
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

For those joining the meetup for the first time - we’ll visit, eat/drink, and sign lots of cards for folks to send out into the world.

NOLA has graciously allowed us to attend for no charge. Please consider supporting NOLA by purchasing food and/or drinks from their menu

What do I bring? (optional)

-Cards or albums to show off

-Blank cards to give away or trade with others

-10 Cards you’ve received through Postcrossing for our game (see below)

-Stamp/labels with your username for signing postcards (see below)

-Pens to sign cards

A lot of our time goes to getting our cards signed by users in attendance. Do your hands a favor and consider getting a stamp or label with your Postcrossing user name.


We will have 2 games for us to play. If you’d like to participate - please bring TEN postcards you’ve received through Postcrossing or round robins to use in a game. The rules will be announced at the meetup. All postcards will return home with you at the end of the day.

If you can’t make it - maybe we’ll see you next time :slight_smile:


Ah, would’ve tried to have been there from LA if I didn’t have a schedule conflict, because there just never seem to be meetups here in SoCal… Maybe next time! Have fun!


Oh man, I’m going to be in SD 16th-20th. Oh wellll

What a pitty that I will be in San Diego from the beginning of June :frowning: I would really like to meet local Postcrossers. Maybe someone is interested in one more meeting later? I will be in SD till end of August.

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No sure about my schedule for this May yet. I will go from LA to attend if possible.

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Fairly sure I can make the meeting. Coming from Los Angeles aria. Will know soon. Please place me on the list of attendees. I missed the last San Diego one due to work. -Gmansocal

There is Another coming up on the 25th of August in sacremento

There is Another in san Diego on May 1st

I wish I could make it but won’t be back in California until end of May. I look forward to meeting other Cali postcrossers when I return. Enjoy the meetup!