1 June 2024 - Chanson meetup in Hurbanovo

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hurbanovo; Nitra region; Slovakia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: - Dom Hany Hegerovej - Železničná 1; 947 01 Hurbanovo, Slovakia

  • Pizzeria Adria - Komárňanská 263; 947 01 Hurbanovo, Slovakia
    :calendar: DATE: june 1. 2024
    :alarm_clock: TIME: 11:30
    :page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
    Hana Hegerová is the most famous Czech-Slovak chanson singer. She spent a large part of her youth in Hurbanovo. A local activist in the house she lived in created a truly charismatic place that we will visit together. We will listen to a lot of interesting stories while drinking the kind of coffee that the artist herself preferred to drink.
    After this program, we will move to a local pizzeria, where we will traditionally sign postcards from the meeting, we will certainly prepare some interesting activity for you. We will break up according to the taste and mood of the participants.
    I look forward to your participation!

Entrance fee to the House of Hana Hegerová:
Adult 5.00 euros/person
Seniors 3.00 euros/person
Disabled free
Children under 15 years free

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I will come. Zúčastním sa.

Prijímam objednávky na pohľadnice. Prosím, objednávku značte do tejto tabuľky:

Napíšte prosím vás aj váš postcrossingový nick, aby som ho vedela zapísať do tej tabuľky, kde sa na stretnutí zapisuje, kto už má podpísané pohľadnice.

Na objednanie je čas do 10. mája 2024.

Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap both wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

Greetings from Belarus. I really like your card. I would like to exchange. Here is my offer: https://postcards.framework.by/

Hello! Did you manage to arrange a swap with someone? If not, send me a message.

Привет! Удалось ли вам с кем-то договориться об обмене? Если нет, пришлите мне сообщение.

Hello. If you haven’t agreed on an exchange with anyone yet, write to me, I’m ready.

Many thanks to Zuzana ( @zuzulik ) and everyone who signed the lovely meeting card which I received today!

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Thanks Zuzana @zuzulik for a nice piano and flowers meeting card. I like it.

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Dear @EkaBalaskova thank you very much for sending me both cards from this meetup! :heart_eyes: Hope you had a lovely time!