1 July 2023 - The first meeting of postcrossers in Domodedovo

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Domodedovo
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Gagarina str., 50, city Domodedovo
Children’s library “32 luck”
:calendar: DATE: 1.07.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will meet in the children’s library, get acquainted, for new people I will tell you about postcrossing and we will sign postcards in a pleasant company.
Unfortunately, the number of seats is limited - 15 people

The first meeting in the city where I was born. The first postcard with the city of Domodedovo - top view. The second postcard is an author’s portrait of Irina Kiyan with an image of me and my favorite rats. On June 27, I will have a birthday and such a meeting will be a gift for me, as well as in memory of my beloved rats.


Буду рада обмену :wink: Anmelden | VK

i wanna swap the first one card.can we swap?

Привет. Буду рада обмену на обе открытки. Вот мой обменник https://postcards.framework.by/