1 January 2023 - Ring in the NEW YEAR - Hamilton Winter Meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hamilton, Ontario
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: party room, 1966 Main Street West
:calendar: DATE: January 1, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: noon
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: tea, coffee, cakes, cookies, postcards… gathering of like-minded mail enthusuasts

Party room is booked for our first meet-up in 2023!
Plenty of room & lots of parking… It’s close to McMaster university for anyone on transit from out of town.


Oh, I’d love to attend! I’ll have to doublecheck whether my family’s typical New Year’s Day will be happening but it’s usually in the evening. But I will confirm once I figure things out!

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(Jan 1) Its my birthday and My first birthday in here. I never received a card till now. Im interested swap with anyone. Wish me i really love to receive a any type cards. Thank you

Hi shelopolis! Thanks for the invite; but I will be having family over for dinner on New Years. Enjoy. Rosanne

Hello! This will be my first meetup and I am so excited! Where do we get the cards to bring with us to have signed?

I’ve printed two cards that I’ll have for sale
They are 50cents each

Look forward to meeting you!


Is there room for any more people to join?

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Yes, absolutely!
The more the merrier!

Hello! i’d like to ask you is it possible to swap this postcard from meeting?
I have these postcards from Poland

Best, Joanna

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Perfect. I will try and make it. :slight_smile:

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Let me know if you need directions… I’ll also be providing some light snacks… let me know if you have an allergies ( or pizza preferences)


Let me know if you have any meet-up questions.

We will be doing a little pizza luncheon/snack.
Let me know if you have any allergies or topping needs :wink:

Thanks! I’m easy when it comes to pizza :yum:

I have a bunch of washi tape, stickers, etc. that I’d be happy to bring along if people want to take some samples or whatnot, if anyone is interested?



Hello, how can i access the building once i have arrived?

Buzz 3030
Then come down to the basement!

Hello, did someone of you send me an official card? Since I haven’t really given out my new address, I thought that it couldn’t be a random one. It has no ID, though. :thinking:

Not me, but I’ll check with the others!

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Thank you Shelley :slight_smile: