1 April 2023 - Meeting in Zeitz

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Zeitz
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hauptbahnhof Zeitz, Baenschstr. 4
:calendar: DATE: 1. April 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10.30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Spontanes Meeting

Wir treffen uns am Hauptbahnhof und werden die Stadt besichtigen. Anschließend geht es ins Restaurant “Schnitzelschmiede” zum Stempeln.
We meet at the only one train station and visit the town. After that we go to the restaurant Schnitzelschmiede for signing the cards.


  1. Romy * Suite Pee
  2. Katrin * Katrin1778
  3. Tanja * Gaiasduhter
  4. Susanne * Griseknoen
  5. Annett * Rainbow50
  6. Heidrun * Heidrun from Germany
  7. Katrin * fuzzi44
  8. Thomas * Thomazs
  9. Sylvia * Materhilishae
  10. Sophie * Hilischae
  11. Daniel



Is anyone interested in a swap for a meetup card? please DM

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Please send your address

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