08 July 2023 Day of Communication with the Universe Volgograd

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Volgograd
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Volgograd Regional Library for Youth, Cherepovetskaya str., 1
:calendar: DATE: 08.07.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00-16:00

:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Since ancient times, two stars have walked in the sky, they were so bright and brilliant. One of them was hot, the other was cold, and they were never separated.
The Sun and the Moon were the daughters of the God of the Heaven. By his order, they must take turns watching how people work on the Earth.
The Moon Goddess was hot-tempered and selfish, but cold. People on the Earth have suffered greatly from its changeable nature. She loved to go down to the human realm and watch how people earn their living. How could she know that wherever she appeared, the people of those places trembled with fear every time. They cursed the goddess of the Moon and waited for her to move away again and save them from disasters.
When the God of Heaven found out about this, he advised his wife to talk to her daughter. The Mother Goddess sprinkled gray powder on the face of the Moon, and from that day the Moon became meek and kind, and people on earth fell in love with her.
It is said that when the Moon Goddess looks at the earth, the full moon comes, and when she suddenly turns away, only half of her face becomes visible. When the moon goddess turns her face to the right, it is the first half of the month, and when to the left — the second.
We are announcing a new meetup “In touch with the Universe”, which is dedicated to the celebration of the summer solstice, the renewal of nature, its maximum flowering, and also an unusual holiday – the Day of Communication with the Universe.


Nice design, i would like to exchange

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Beautiful card! I would like to swap

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