You know you're a Postcrosser when

In all honesty, I didn’t even think about it :joy: anyway I was only gone for about a week - and the postcard got there after I returned (this happened twice). We don’t get newspapers and most bills are online too, in fact I spent about a year telling him to unsubscribe from receiving paper ones because they’re just a waste of paper in my opinion (bills are in his name because when we first came to Singapore he was the one with the proper work visa and I got a job later). Of course every now and then we get something important unexpectedly, so I have no solution to that question except that I wasn’t gone that long :smile:

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When you know exactly how much stamps cost and how many to put on mail your sending. Also when you have a dedicated wall in each home you’ve lived in filled with postcards.


1.When everyone at post office knows you as that crazy guy, who sends mails to random people in other countries :joy::joy:.
2. You receive so many mail that postal worker ties it with a band before delivery to you.
3. Your Amazon wishlist is full of Postcard boxes and stationary.
4. You want stamps as birthday gift instead of new cloths or gadgets :rofl::rofl:.


I’ve been trying that for years but my partner refuses :joy: he got me postcards once though, as he was making an order from a place that has postcards too :rofl:


I got this today, after a break of one month :laughing: :laughing:


YESSSSS! Tomorrow is Sunday, and I’m sad.
The mail closes early today and I just got two spaces but I’m trying to wait until at least tonight to get the addresses, but hopefully tomorrow to not waste 1 traveling day.

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When you see junk mail and credit card offers in a new light. Some of the inserts are instant postcards (for ad card fans)


When know you can make 8 postcards out of a soda box.


…when you’ve only been a member for about two weeks and you realize 90% of the posts in this thread are you and you realize you have found your people.


When you look through 98 pages of recieved cards to make sure your not sending a double card.

When your mom buys you postcards on her holiday.

The first thing you do is show your recieved postcards to your husband when he gets home.

When you recieve or send a special card you know your friends like, you share it in the group chat. Knowing they don’t postcross and want to share the joy.

Thinking about what stamps to buy next.

When your wishlists are full of postcards.


On a travel trip your 12 year olds in your Girl Scout troop have a contest going to see who can come closest to the amount of postcards you will come home with.

When the same group does daily journaling about your postcards

When any postcard in the neighborhood gets delivered to your mailbox regardless of the actual address on it.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I love this one!
(if I understood correctly? You are out and about with girl scouts and they are guessing how many postcards you will buy throughout the whole trip?)


When the people working at the local museum gift stores all recognize you and refer to you as “the postcard lady.”

When the local post office no longer sorts postcards and just puts every postcard in your mailbox regardless of address because they know that you will sort out the small percentage of cards that aren’t for you.

When you take the postcards that were mistakenly put in your mailbox and resend them in envelopes to make sure they don’t accidentally get placed in your mailbox again.

When your children all have their own postcard collections, and they are already so large they need multiple binders just to keep them.

When a neighbor doesn’t recognize the image on your postcard and your 4-year old tells them it’s a mailbox from Japan.


I had a private office in the last place I worked and one whole wall was covered in postcards arranged geographically by continent from west to east :earth_asia::earth_americas:

(YKYAAPW You wish there were a postcard emoji on your phone)


Some junk mail, such as “preapproved credit card offers” come with the most beautiful station. I use the paper and turn it into envelopes. I also cut my address out and use that as my return label.


We have a postcard emoji on Postcrossing! :postcard:


:grin: :postcard: :grin: :postcard: :grin:

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You are a genius


Thanks. :heart:

I have one for you, when your printer calls YOU out of the blue and offers you a lifetime discount and free shipping, now wait for it, “because staff places bets on what you are designing next”

No word of a lie, I did not ask for discounts usually take advantage of the sales. He said “will you be placing another order soon/”…just received 5 new batches today and this morning I did place another order for 8. but it had nothing to do with the discount and free shipping nope, not at all ……………:wink: