You know you're a Postcrosser when

Okay I think that is another level :laughing: :sweat_smile:


I absolutely look up where the nearest post office is when I arrive in a new city! Usually my very first stop is to buy stamps.


You are able to write 250 words on a postcard, plus add a bit of washi tape and of course there is still the obligatory space at the bottom left out too because the card is going to the USA.


You have one Austrian Postcrosser less to worry about as I don’t care about the AT-ID’s at all :wink:
I will be extra careful in September to not mess around with your planning :+1:t2:
And good luck for catching 555555 :crossed_fingers:t2:


… when your desktop suddenly is full of sugar, because a user suggested a food-package-card. And you were too clumsy when separating outer and inner package :grin: :wink: :star_struck:



  • you have postcards you have received displayed all around your house

  • you know that the mail collection time is 30 minutes later if you take your cards to the mailbox inside the post office rather than taking them to the mailbox on the street.

  • your local postal clerk expects to see you every Saturday morning when you mail your cards and she knows exactly what time to expect you and comments if you are early or late.

  • your local postal clerks are surprised at the wide variety of stamps you use, many of which they have never seen before.

  • have learned the word for “street” in at least a half dozen different languages

  • you have taught yourself how to write in a new script, like Cyrillic, so that you can address postcards in the script of the destination country

  • you save up the number of cards you can send so that you can send them all in travel mode on your next trip

  • you know the international postcard postage rates better than the post office staff in the country where you are vacationing

  • you send so many cards in travel mode from a small country that you get into the top 20 Postcrossers from that country after being in the country for a week

  • you find additional ways to send even more postcards through the Postcrossing Forum

  • you have an Instagram account for your postcards

  • you follow the Instagram accounts of different countries’ postal services, for example Deutsche Post (Germany) or An Post (Ireland)

  • you know that Postnord in Sweden is a nightmare of bad service and insist on always referring to it as Postmord (postal murder in Swedish)

  • you organize the first Postcrossing meetup in your city

  • you look for postcards in every thrift store or charity shop you come across. And then you find dozens of postcards which you absolutely must buy, especially at such low prices

  • you start sending postcards to friends and relatives “just because”

  • you design your own postcards and have them professionally printed and other Postcrossers even buy them

  • you know what FOTW, GF, Icons, WOW, WC, MOTW, ADG, Lantern Press, and LouPaper series are

  • your conversations include phrases like, “another Postcrosser that I know in [name of country] said that…”

  • you have no trouble coming up with more than 15 examples of how “you know you are a Postcrosser when…”


I just did that this week! :joy: I try not to buy from Amazon, but my computer battery decided it was done and Amazon was the quickest way to get a new one. There was a package of postcards just waiting for me in my shopping cart; I had put them there weeks ago “for the next time I order something “ :joy:


Some of these may have been mentioned already but here are some of mine :sweat_smile:

  • You always send yourself a postcard from your travels
  • You pick travel destinations because you haven’t got a card from that country and can send yourself one on your trip
  • You check how to say “where is the post office” and “commemorative stamps” in the local language before traveling, along with the cost to send postcards from that country
  • You look up the cost to travel to Pitcairn Island just so someday you could go there to send postcards
  • You spend more money buying postcards than all other souvenirs combined
  • You write a novel in which Postcrossing features prominently
  • Your first reaction when someone mentions a “rare” country is “I got a postcard from there” or “I don’t have any postcards from there yet” and if it’s the latter you beg your family and friends to get people they know who are travelling there to send you cards… later you get a card from a rare country and you aren’t sure which of your friends the sender got your address from :rofl:
  • You visit tourist attractions but only go in the gift shop without looking at the actual attraction, and are extremely disappointed if they don’t sell postcards
  • You convinced a shop owner to order more of certain popular postcard themes
  • You have a room of your house you refer to as your “postcard study”
  • You have thousands and thousands of blank postcards on every conceivable topic because someday you might get a profile that requests it

…when you check the main page and the forum several times a day, even though you can only afford to send cards sporadically.


Yes! I always found that spending time looking at the beautifully made website and hanging out on the forum prevent me from spending more on postcards - it was a conscious choice at the beginning as I lived somewhere where postage was more expensive than where I am now. Now sometimes I’m in the mood for postcards but I don’t have time or energy and just browse around instead (e.g. Maybe I have a few minutes but I don’t want to rush a postcard)

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What do you mean “other souvenirs”? The postcards ARE the souvenirs. :laughing:


When u send a set of blank postcards in an envelope to various countries requesting them to send your postcards back to u ,written and stamped,one by one !!:grinning:


…on your first trip to the garden center this year (after 2 lockdowns) the first thing you put in your :shopping_cart: are postcards (which you didn’t even know they had, 'cause you are postcrossing only since January). And then you get the potting soil, fertilizer and gardening gloves for which you actually came for :woman_facepalming:t2:


when you notice postcard racks in movies and tv shows…I like to watch a kids animated show about a small native village in Alaska. It centers around a girl named Mollie and her parents run a small trade post; they have a postcard rack on the counter and in one episode she traveled with her mom to another town with postcard shopping on her to-do list


I am just an "noob/beginner with postcrossing. But I’ve noticed I check my e-mail daily if someone have recivied an card yet and I am always looking and searching for funny postcards to send. No matter where I am, alway’s looking for postcards to send, even in themeparks I am looking for them lol :rofl:


Ykyapw … postcards/postcard situations appear in your dreams*

I was in/at a mall in the town I grew up in. There was a newsstand in the basement which I suspected to have postcards, but somehow I did not dare° to look. Luckily, there was another newsstand on the second floor, and, hurray, they had a display rack of cards. For 0,30 €, which is quite cheap. But then, huge disappointment°, it was only cards with some boring blue flowers and low quality, nothing local sights, nothing landscape. I really was p**ed and started to scold, first only with myself (and my disappointed hopes°), but then I even complained to the vendor. Or at least I started to, because then I woke up

° yes, my dreams can be vivid and exhausting - last night I was in Kaliningrad, which, at least according to my dream-imagination, is home to an aquarium of exotic corals


I am very relieved to read all these posts and find out I am not the only one obsessed with having a postcard to fill all possible topics. I am looking online everyday for new postcards. I just got my 3rd postcard storage box for loose postcards and have now had to clear off a 2nd shelf for storing the boxed sets, tapes, stickers and stamps. And just got a Flickr account to ‘display’ my received cards. Oh what sickness is this?


You know you’re a Postcrosser when the MRC (regional county municipalities) of your region call you because they found postcards, of the region, in their archive four years ago, and want to know if you would accept to take, for free, all the ones they have left.


Lucky you!


You know you are a postcrosser when you buy cookies or chocolate just because the package is beautiful and you want to make a postcard out of it for “food package postcard” lovers :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: