Full - WPD Groningen 1 of the 3 joint Dutch meetups on 1 October 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Groningen
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Huis de Beurs, A-Kerkhof Zuid Zijde 4
9711 JB Groningen
:calendar: DATE: 01-10-2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 16:00 hours - 20:00 hours
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Good day,

We (Sylvia, Wilma, Ellen en Anke) are going to organize World Postcard Day Meetups in the cities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen.

:postcard: This is the :sparkles: πŸ…–πŸ…‘πŸ…žπŸ…πŸ…˜πŸ…πŸ…–πŸ…”πŸ… :sparkles: meetup page :postcard:

What are we going to do on the meeting?

  • Be cozy :teapot: together for a couple of hours in Huis de Beurs
  • Chat :speaking_head: about Postcrossing (whatelse haha) and get to know eachother better
  • Sign cards :postcard: and write :writing_hand: in our meeting books :books:
  • Choose something to eat and drink in Huis de Beurs
  • In short; we’re going to make nice memories :heart_hands: and go home happy again after
    the meeting.

Obviously we know eachother from Postcrossing and we find this day a nice occasion to make our connection stronger by making a joint Dutch meetup card representation our meetups in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen. How much fun is that. Triple fun!

If you want to join please sign up below (registration only via the Forum, that means here. Signing up via other social media canals is not accepted).

Attendees (max 16):

  1. @Kushboo - Anke :writing_hand: 30 cards :memo:
  2. @Annerie - Annerie :writing_hand: 35 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  3. @Anne24 - Anne :writing_hand: 31 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  4. @GeertS - Geert :writing_hand: 30 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  5. @DutchIslandGirl - Linda (ovb) :writing_hand: 20 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  6. @Gerda-RD - Gerda :writing_hand: 15 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  7. @VictoriaIris - Mariska (ovb) :writing_hand: 10 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  8. @mlandman - Marloes :writing_hand: 40 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  9. @HippieHeart - Suzanne :writing_hand: 25 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  10. @Mysticalmy - Ymkje :writing_hand: 15 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  11. @Tilliata - Mirthe :writing_hand: 30 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  12. @Jess15 - Jessica :writing_hand: 5 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  13. @Cleo1 - Anja :writing_hand: 20 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  14. @Mevrouw - Marian (comes a bit later) :writing_hand: 21 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  15. @CarolMichelle - Caroline :writing_hand: 20 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:
  16. @Earlybird1971 Frederike :writing_hand: 30 cards :memo: paid :money_with_wings:

Total cards to be orderd: 377


:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Please don’t bring a pile of 50 self designed meetingcards, without discussing that with me first.

:warning: :tada:BREAKING :facepunch: The Meetup card is ready :construction: :sparkles:

It costs € 0,50 cents each and and can be ordered until 15 August.


Super leuk, ik ben er graag bij, so count me in please!

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Count me in. Ik heb er al vrij voor gevraagd

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Hallo Anke, ik doe graag weer mee! Bedankt voor de uitnodiging, Geert

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Wat leuk, deze is eindelijk dichtbij.
Ik geef me graag ovb op.

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Hoi Anke, Wilma, Sylvia en Ellen.
Wat leuk!!! Ik wil graag naar Groningen komen voor de meeting.



Leuk, kom graag (ovb)


Wat leuk! Ik kom graag.

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Hello Ladies! What a nice idea,…I would like to join in my hometown Groningen! So, please add me to the list :hugs::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Ik geef me graag op voor deze meeting!

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Ik ga graag mee!

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Ik kom graag! Mag ik op de lijst?

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Kan ik ook nog mee doen?

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Morning, je staat erbij :tulip:

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leuk schrijf mij er maar, bij kan wel zijn dat ik later ben moet eerst werken

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Gezellig. Je staat erbij :tulip:

Hallo @Annerie :writing_hand:@Anne24 :postal_horn:@GeertS :postbox:@DutchIslandGirl :postcard:@Gerda-RD :mailbox_closed:@VictoriaIris :postal_horn:@mlandman :writing_hand: @HippieHeart :postbox:@Mysticalmy :postcard: @Tilliata :mailbox_closed:@Jess15 :postbox: @Cleo1 :postal_horn: @Mevrouw :postcard: Leuk dat jullie er bij zijn :dizzy:

Ik heb inmiddels een locatie :hotel:gevonden en toegevoegd. Fijne zondag!


Toplocatie, De Beurs :+1: Uitstekende keus​:heavy_heart_exclamation::smiley:


Ah Huis de Beurs! Goeie locatie. Ik vergeet nooit meer dat ik een jaar of 12 was en mijn moeder me toen vertelde wat het ooit geweest is :rofl: :rofl:

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