With what mentality do you swap postcards?

As a collector of certain cards I swap to expand my collection. So I mainly look for these cards and make that clear in my offer. Often people the ask me to exchange for other cards than what I asked for and those will receive a message by me saying, that I am only looking for xy cards at the moment.

I am not at all picky when it comes to official Postcrossing but otherwise I would like to grow my collection.

I guess it always depends what you are looking for. Just some random exchange where the card is just a nice goodie or a certain postcard.


Interesting thread. Iā€™m keeping Interested in direct swaps disabled because what I have to offer is very limited. Its only single view cards of Maldivian beaches. Plus all my swaps are written, stamped and no envelope. Though Iā€™m always happy to swap a card with everyone who reaches out to me. And during the past few months I have done quite a lot, I must say. All of those swaps are for a scenery card. I donā€™t have much written in my profile about the cards I want because Iā€™m still not familiar with the themes and stuff. The only thing I mentioned there is to send age appropriate cards because Iā€™m doing it with my 8 year old daughter. Weā€™ve got cute children illustrations cards and informative cards. Sometimes we are offered to choose between the both. So far it has been a positive swapping and I hope other swappers had a positive experience with us.

I have taken part in some of the tags too. Mainly Sea creatures and Marine life tag, Just tag, Single view tag, Food package tag (which I find most interesting although I couldnā€™t find local product food packages) and most recently I took part in a Favorite color tags- handmade card (this is the one we are most looking forward to). These are inline with what I can offer.


If you want I can send you Miffy card. Itā€™s a very popular childrenā€™s illustration in the Netherlands. Its very famous in Japan as well.

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This. When I plan to do some private swaps, I read thread that sound interesting, but then I do a check if I have something the recipient can like and if they have something I can like. And only if we actually have such cards I write them to propose a swap. So I can be pretty sure both of us can be happy from the swap :slight_smile:


That would be really nice :blush:. Would you like to swap it for a scenery card from Maldives?

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I see postcrossing as a way to connect with people. I receive a lot of requests for swaps that only say one line: Iā€™m missing a card from your country, can we swap? That frustrates me because postcrossing isnā€™t free and if I please everyone Iā€™m going to go into debt. There are people with whom I have had some conversation and we have even made several swaps continously. Others are very demanding in swaps, especially on Facebook. I focus on the official postcards, tags, thank you cards, RAS and then comes the swaps. I try to make people happy and please them with the swaps but I really need an army of postcrossers to do that.


It is sad when people see you as a rare country and only want to trade because of that. I made a topic on mental health, swapping with people that have mental issues. And Iā€™m really happy so far, no one is demanding anything, I donā€™t demand anything. Just a chill trade.

Postcrossing does indeed cost money. The saddest part for me however isā€¦ People see you as a means to get card from rare country. Your just a checkbox on a checklist. Your so much more then thatā€¦ Iā€™m sorry to hear you experience this a lot. Itā€™s the one thing I really hate about postcrossing.

This is also why I made this topic, to discuss things like this. I hope the people who do this will also read these messages and think twice in the future. Your not some kind of means to an end. Your a person with feelings and a whole narrative behind you.


This is exactly how I feel and itā€™s an awful feeling. Thank you for bringing this to light.

Thank you, I need to hear this more often :pray: :revolving_hearts:

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Your welcome!

If you ever want to talk about it in private some more, feel free to message me. However you cannot send me a card or swap with me. In that way we will have nothing standing between us, and we can talk heart to heart.

The digital door is always open. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ll Pm you tomorrow, itā€™s 2am here! Good night for me, good morning for you.

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Mostly I will post my own swap thread and be clear on the terms of my swap. In return I usually am happy with any card chosen for me.

I have had a couple of occasions where I have offered expensive items and wanted specific cards in return only to realise I should have asked to see the items being sent first as Iā€™ve been disappointed in what Iā€™ve received back. Usually though I try to be as accommodating as possible.

My main goal in swapping is to clear out my ever growing blank card collection, as I only collect used postcards.

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But then people from so called rare countries are often also very picky in who to swap with. At least in my experience. I get that when it is about the series cards that I also collect as you like to complete your collection.

But also other cards like typical touristic postcards. I often get: I have so many cards from Germany I do not want to swap with Germany.

What I never understand is when you send a card, that shows no relation to your country and then people only want it sent from so called rare countries. Probably this is because of the stamp but I never really got why that is.


Oh I like tourist cards from Germany ! They never bored me and even I have received many of them, I still need cards from Germany! :laughing:

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