Why participants are asked to tag/name themselves in any lottery?

Sometimes when two users anwers at the same time, it’s switching places later. I guess because the other one was a few seconds earlier…

I always check, but sometimes it looks in right order at the moment.

And I also was wondering why tagging in myself, I don’t do it unless the lottery host would ask to do so.


I understand that lag can make it difficult…but I can always see when someone else is replying at the same time as me (their icon pops up ‘replying’) so when that happened, I simply double-checked after I’d responded and reloaded the page…that my number was still correct.

In the end, it was easier to just not ask for numbering on my lotteries, because it never, ever, went smoothly and always ended up a mess with doubles, missing numbers, people trying to correct other people’s numbers etc. :rofl:


Haha, I just checked my RR - the rules only say that you have to write your number.
Nevertheless, most participants also write their own name - me too, simply out of habit, because I did that in the old forum for 8 years.
And the new users are following the old ones.
As someone already wrote, it made sense in the old forum because the name was not above the post but on the left side.
But from now on I will try to post only my number :wink:

But maybe someone can give a good reason why you tag yourself with @name.
Because I would like to understand that very much.
Maybe there is a very sensible reason that I haven’t figured out yet that would make me tag myself as well.


I understand the part of numbering and adding the name, as in a lottery you need to separate the official entry from other comments/answers that same user may write at that lottery. I though @name was to make easier for the host to communicate with the winner… :raising_hand_woman:t2: One more that went with the flow :sweat_smile:


I saw that video and also one about bees (they needed to insert a small ball in a target to get a drop of honey) and another with monkeys (ladder, bananas, water)… Always the same principle. Very interesting. As you’re watching the video you’re saying (in your mind) not me, I wouldn’t…then you arrive here and discover that you’ve been tagging yourself @name as everyone else without a proper reason :raising_hand_woman:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I love science!


:rofl: :rofl: Amazing!!


Great topic, I’ve always wondered about this, too! :joy: But there must still be a bit of a rebel left inside me because when I noticed that tagging myself didn’t serve any purpose I stopped doing it and just wrote my username without the @ when asked for naming myself. Same with the numbers, I stopped asking for them in my own lotteries quite a while ago. When it comes to picking the winner and postbot or random.org or whatever draw a post that is only a comment by someone or myself, then I simply repeat the draw.

If I paticipate in a lottery and am asked to name and number myself I still do it - their lottery, their rules, but I don’t ask for it in my own lotteries and they all work fine. The funny thing is that even if I don’t explicitely ask for numbers people will still do it out of habit! :smile:

:green_heart: :fox_face:


Yes, this has happened to me a few times. You do have to check carefully after commenting.


Yes, that’s right.

However, in this Topic we don’t talk about numbering, but about writing the own name and tagging oneself.


It actually takes the same amount of effort to simply copy a user’s name from the top of their post as it automatically appears. I don’t think typing @ is a huge hardship. :wink:


Not huge, no :rofl:

But depending on the computer (and the person using it) it can be hard to get the courser in the exact right spot, and not accidentally delete a letter, put the @ between the first and second letter, or leave a space.

It’s also a bit tricky copying the name at the top of the post when it’s a clickable link sandwiched between two others - the photo and the flag - and the courser has to start in the very narrow space between them for it to work.

Then, too, if the host is trying to post the name and number they have to copy and paste two separate things for each winner, rather than grabbing both in one go.

It may seem trivial to you or I, but I think if someone is giving away free cards it’s not unreasonable to follow their instructions in order to make it even a little easier for them.

For all we know a given host could be an elderly person working on a touch screen they’re unfamiliar with, or someone with impaired mobility in their hands, et cetera.

TL;DR - While I agree it’s silly that the @name has become standard, some hosts might have reasons for wanting it included, and I think it’s only polite to oblige :slightly_smiling_face:


I really do think that, like the others have said, that it is a carry over from the old forum.

I am just not buying that it’s so difficult for people to either press down on a name and click copy or to type it out. We are talking about one single winner typically.

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Great research topic, and i would say, it seemed to brainless naming ourselves as we post comments on any lotteries when I joined but as per 21 days rule!! That thing has become far more than a habit and we just automatically name and number ourselves cause, the host asked or Everyone is doing it!! (Peer pressure!! )

But it’s great way to learn it was needful in the old forum but now it’s not needed, and I’ll try to stop using it!! Or try to reduce it lol
#67 @hemang :grin:

This habits are due to evolution of Forum, like dogs chasing the cars, cause they think them as prey


Interesting to observe basic human nature