Why do my cards take so long?

Cindy has quite a good explanation for this long travellingtimes. :slight_smile: Ich have actually a card from germany to het nederlands at the 15th day. Maybe I should have put the card into a bottle and put it into the river Rhein.

But for the statistics it isnā€™t good to get a new adress at saturday, than on sunday the mailbox will not emptied until monday and you have two days more.


I join the line of people with ā€œreceiving quickly, but when I send to USA it takes 2 monthsā€¦ā€

I donā€™t know if the space of 15mm is the reason, but thanks for the tip. I will try to see if thatā€™s the case. Some cards have print there (like photo credits)

Haha! Iā€™ve been thinking the same thing! Camels up to Darwin port, then rowboat thereafter! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Some of my cards from USA have the barcode on the front part of the card.
I always thought the postcard is too small, not enough space for whatever I want to write, not enough space for decorations like washi tapes etc. Now have to leave 1.5cm empty on the bottom, plus we have this LPU sticker in Indonesia which doesnt make delivery any faster unlike in USA :sweat_smile:

The Postal system is taking up our writing space :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I am notorious for writing to the edge of the card.:rofl::rofl: I will try and do better.:blush::crossed_fingers:t5:


I agree! I bought some new postcards this week. They had the price tag sticker in the writing space. Thankfully I got them off without damaging the card!

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A thin bar code at the bottom of the postcards? Good to know, thanks!

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That they do, take valuable spacešŸ™„



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I got a miracle registration- over 80 days travel time from Russia. A lot of my cards are sent out within 1-2 days, but sometimes life happens and it may take up to a week. I now have a large stack of cards, and I have a system- I do not ask for an address unless I am ready to make the card. Initially I used to request the address and wait a while to print it (was at work). Now I hand write or type every thing, do not waste paper, or movements. As soon as I see the address I pull out a card, fill it out and add some stickers/washi tape. I will complete it within 15 mins and ship it out that day or the next. It took me a while to develop this ā€˜systemā€™. I also write letters and make 3-D cards, which I weight on the kitchen scale to save me a trip to the post office. I also have copious stamps and have a ā€˜systemā€™ for that as well,. Use postage-pre -paid cards to Europe/Asia/anything too far. Best photos and cost. If person says ā€˜I love stampsā€™ I use another card and choose cool stamps. I now have little envelops for the cards, but it took time to develop the set up. I get my regular cards custom made for my region, and they are extra nice- but not as varied as some would like. I am doing my level best and can only do as much as I can- people who have long lists of ā€˜must do or receiveā€™ irk me. Not everyone is rich and not everyone has even heard of some of their requests- I love Post Crossing because you never know what youā€™ll get. I most often get the kindest and most lovely MESSAGES because that is the most important thing to me- that someone took time and effort to share a precious bit of their life with me. The front is also a wonderful gift- as I have little expectation and only hope to meet a new friend. As for time- do not worry- if a card is not registered after 60 days you get to send another- life is imperfect, world systems are fragile, some countries are at war. Handle it with peace and care.


Im very confused with the travel times of my cards latelyā€¦ Iā€™m in the USA and the last three cards sent to other USA members still havent arrived - one going on 80 days, the latest is at two weeks! Yes, i checked, and they all seem to be active membersā€¦ yet my latest card to Japan, for example, only took 10 days! So weird!


I had a USA member who took two weeks to register a recent card, from looking at his Received list itā€™s obvious he batches those as far apart as a week or so. Iā€™m waiting on a card from Puerto Rico thatā€™s been three weeks now (Iā€™m certain it was mailed then), but living in South Florida, any item going through USPS Miami sits for weeks there, definition of dysfunctional environment.


Seems like mail has just been odd lately. I have a card travelling to Germany for a month, which usually take less than two weeks. Then again, I received a card from the US in just 3 days, where another took upwards of a week :woman_shrugging:t2: Card to Taiwan just arrived about a month in, as well. Postal service likes to keep us on our toes, I guess!


Yes in Uk if I donā€™t catch the post 9am Sat am it doesnā€™t get collected until 4pm Monday evening a big difference.


I received a lovely Christmas card yesterday from China beautifully stamped 12.12.2021
So glad it arrived but a donkey could have been involved ā€¦


I wonder if post will be delivered in Shanghai since thereā€™s a lockdown due to Covid19.
Got a card traveling over 100 days yet. Receiver is online at Postcrossing almost every day, but did not receive any cards for a lot of weeks yet (last card registered March 27)


Iā€™m so reassured to read all your stories. I can have 25 postcards travelling at once, Iā€™ve been maxed out for weeks, and yet only 7 of my cards have been registered so far this month. The worldā€™s postal system seems to have slowed right down, much worse than at the height of the pandemic. Iā€™m reassured to see itā€™s not just happening to me, but to all of you too.


I notice the same with cards sent to China, Taiwan and Russia (while I receive cards from Taiwan and Russia in a couple of weeks).
Cards sent to the US and Germany either arrive quickly or take very long to be registered (while I receive cards from these countries rather quickly).
I have 10 slots and the countries I consistently get are a mix of Russia, China, Taiwan, US and a few German ones (while I do not have the ā€˜repeated countriesā€™ option on).
I have recently activated the option to send / receive to / from France as well, to compensate a bit for the very slow pace.


I am glad to say that the cards sent to USA eventually arrive, after a couple of months. They all expire for me - but then at some point get registered which is some hope.

We had news from our post, that some airports servicing post to USA were overloaded in the spring and caused delays.


Yes, Iā€™ve noticed this aswell. Itā€™s much slower. Especially for those cards sent in march. I have several travelling to Asia (China, Taiwan) and they are all about to expire if they donā€™t already have. Iā€™m located in Sweden, Europe, and Iā€™ve noticed that even cards to Germany takes longer to arrive. It is what it is and we cannot do much about it. Letā€™s just hope it gets better. Also, the mail delivery here has changed from mon-friday to only twice a week. The same could be in other countries aswell.