What would you say are postcard theme wishes that are easy to fulfill?

It’s not a bad option, I think, but I’ve realised when I encounter a profile that says just that without other suggestions I’m less inspired to send a card I actually very like because I want to save it for a person that is looking for something like it, so the chance of it being extra appreciated rises :smiley: But maybe it’s just me, I don’t know… I think I’m more if a clearer suggestions person.

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I understand haha, I love cats as animals myself. But… while cards with photos of cats are cute, I think all my social media is drowned in cat photos and videos, maybe I don’t need a large postcard collection with them (ocassionally - I don’t mind). Cat illustrations, however, spark a lot of joy in me every time :smiley: So I included “cute animal illustrations”, I hope that’s not too specific.


I live in a city so it’s easy for me to find tourist cards, but I still also look at who makes the cards and look them up online, this way I’ve been able to buy some from the supplier at a discount.
I also do google searches for Australian postcards and find artists, galleries etc that sell them. I do have boxsets but I prefer to send Australian cards if possible, but if I have what someone wants from one of these sets then they’ll get that :slight_smile:


Oh I’ve seen a few profiles with that request, its perfectly normal :blush:

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To me, anything general like “nature” “birds” “black and white photography” or “colorful illustrations” is easy to fulfill, and more specific wishes like “rhinos” or “purple sunsets” are fun to fulfill if I happen to have them.

Personally, I’m always slightly annoyed to see specific sets/artists/publishers on a wish list. It feels like the person has already picked out the cards they want, and could just buy the whole set for themselves.


Hobbies are always a good start (for me that’s reading, but there’s endless possibilities). Also favourite TV shows, books and movies could be an option. Musicians or other celebrities you like. Manga/cartoon in general. Landscapes in general, so oceans, mountains, etc., not specific to any country. Cards in your favourite colour. “Something to make me laugh”, “Close your eyes and pick a random card”, “Send me your oldest/newest card”, stuff like that, if you don’t mind completely random cards.


Just returned from my road-trip to Minnesota. We stopped so many places and picked up so many cards. One small town historical center had postcards on the counter that were free with your entrance donation of two dollars. I made a larger donation because there were too many cards to choose from. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: We stopped at the chamber of commerce in another small town and they had free postcards that she kept handing me. I kept telling people about Postcrossing. The man tending one of the pony express locations was very excited about it so maybe he will join the group. I think I came home with 150+ cards. I can only send nine at a time so I will have to check out the round robins.


I find that postcards of nature is popular.
If I can get hold of postcards of other cities/towns in my country, I’m happy and hope the receiver likes them as well.

I think so? But every once in a while I draw an official and their profile says specifically no art cards :flushed::sweat_smile: then I send something else :joy_cat: