What was your best postcrossing experience?

I’ve had many! I collect used postage stamps and currency and so many postcrossers include stamps or currency with their postcard!! I always try to send stamps to those who collect them!

Another postcrosser sent me a huge envelope filled with unused Harry Potter postcards after she had already mailed a postcard to me! I was amazed at the kindness of strangers :heart:


Hello to everyone!
Thank you Jagna for a great topic and to all the participants for interesting stories! I enjoyed a lot reading this thread!
Today is the 3 month anniversary of me joining Postcrossing. A great day to share something good happened to me so far.

Actually, I have already experienced a lot of different emotions, sometimes pretty controversial, met a lot of wonderful people, received plenty of amazing cards.

But today I wanted to share something really special. When I think about it, I realize so much is real in our life, bounds are in our mind!
Well, here is the story (sorry for such a long intro :flushed:)
One of my first sent cards was an watercolor turtle for a woman from Netherlands RU-8133430.
She wrote her fav animal was a turtle, and since I had not any cards with turtles, I decided to create my own :woman_artist:t3: I first made a card, sent it, and after I came across some profiles, which told “no hand made, please”, “no ad and handmade”, “do not send me handmade cards!” etc. I got worried about this sent card, which was actually handmade, although I did like it myself pretty much.
After I read one thread in one Russian social media about postcrossing and people there also told handmade wasn’t valuable and often disappointed them. :flushed:
Omg, I got worried even worse and all the time the card was traveling, I was on peens and needles :grimacing:
In the end of the day the woman sent me a very warm hurray message where she told she loved the turtle and that she was grateful I had done it special for her.
So she got her turtle and I finally got relief :cold_sweat:

This is happy, but not the end :smirk:
Some times later she asked me if she could use it (a turtle) for her personal stamp. I thought it would be something like this (in Russia they are pretty popular (Hello to my poor English :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:)

and of course I told she could use it (why not) and that I would be honoured etc etc. I only asked her to show me the result, cause I was curious about how it would be look like. She asked me of my address to send me a card with it.
Some times later I found an envelope in my mailbox and friends, look at this! This is my turtle :flushed::flushed::flushed:

I really cannot describe, how stunned I was! First I was surprised that in Netherlands you could print your own stamps. Secondly this turtle was going to travel all over the world as the Netherlands representative :flushed: Knowing that I should have drawn it more carefully :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent:

This is one of my best postcrossing experiences so far. Sorry for the loooooong post.



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:heart::heart::heart: nice topic!

I think my best Postcrossing experiences have actually been when I have received really heartwarming thank-you’s in the Hurray!:tada: messages. Occasionally it all just clicks together and I just get a profile that I just know I will have the perfect card for them, and those sweet postcard-received messages really do brighten my day, to know that I can give a tiny magical moment to someone halfway across the world. :blue_heart::sparkles:

Also, when they did the 150 years of postcards, I was soooOoo excited to see my postcard on their display!

Cool to see!


^^^Aww, this is such a cute story!! :heart: I didn’t fully understand it until I clicked on the link. Here is @kampfetka 's beautiful turtle postcard with her stamp that the receiving postcrosser made, so nice!


I love that she thought it was going to be a rubber stamp. What a plot twist! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Me too!

What a lovely story :heart:

I’ve just started postcrossing. But the hurray messages and those I’ve met this month on swaps, trades, rr’s and tags have been worth it already :hugs:


When I think of my Postcrossing ‘highlights’, I think of all the nice Hurray messages that I’ve got over the years, the ones where people have written really kind messages. Sometimes, people have also sent me cards back and this has always been such a nice gesture :slight_smile:
I also met some really nice postcard pals or penpals through Postcrossing and I’ve once been to a Postcrossing meet-up which was great! :slight_smile:


When I joined in 2017, the first person who wrote me put several blank postcards in an envelope along with a card with a message. It was so nice to have a few cards to start out with. I’ve done some fun swaps with people who wanted cards that were vintage or of odd subjects (like parking lots and highway toll plazas). I’ve never really had a bad experience.


Yesterday I received a card, partly written in Chuvash language. The sender then explained in English that he had never heard about Chuvash language before. I was so impressed and showed the card to my Chuvash teacher.


One of my best experience using Postcrossing is related to the old forum, the same year I joined.
A teacher from Aoyama Junior High School asked for cards for a project with her students. They wanted to encourage the people of Tohoku region after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011, showing them cards and letters written from different places all over the World. The students were learning english with this teacher and their work was to translate from english to japanese the content of every piece of mail they could receive. In the end, they made an exhibition in the school, with a selection of the cards and gifts we sent them.
Time after this, she sent me a link to the school’s website and it was lovely to see many pictures of the School Festival.

And when I was about to forget all of this, I got an envelope from her students. They sent me a handmade card to say thanks. I still keep it as a token of the true meaning of Postcrossing.


I would love to hear more best experiences of you :slight_smile: Is there anyone more who would like to share?

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Apart from dozens of great postcards those are personal contacts that I treasure most. Each postcrossing meet up I attended in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, the Netherlands and Germany gave me a feeling of belonging to a special group. This absolute postcard madness mixed with great fun in Bielefeld is an unforgettable experience and I can hardly wait for a new one. My home has always been open to friends and I was so happy to be visited by postcrossers from all over - some as far as Iran. I have made many friends through postcards. We have met on a regular basis, keep chatting, helping and supporting each other for over 10 years and I am convinced those are my life long friends. Can there be any better experience than that ? You guys are absolutely the bestestest :slight_smile: Standing ovation to Ana and Paulo :slight_smile:




I have written on my profile that I like to send snailmail. And recently I received a beautiful envelope with 2 postcards and a letter from just a random Postcrosser. She had put so much effort in it, it made me really smile! I have send her back and I hope we can be penpals :slight_smile:


I love this turtle :two_hearts:


I’ll share!
I’ve been a member for a very short time, the first four months, I didn’t do anything else but dutifully wait an excruciating long time to send or receive a card. I thought at this pace I would never reach one goal of mine- to collect all USA postcards and its territories. Then I had surgery two weeks ago. So to pass the time recuperating, I plunged into the site!
Wow, it’s been a frenzied two weeks! I met so many nice people from places I had never heard of!

Posters were helpful explaining “tags”, RR , etc.

I could say it has been my best two weeks hands down! Thanks everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

BTW, I snagged a Conn. postcard today. Two down… :grimacing:


Hello, I’m about 2 months in on PCing & I’ve been thinking a lot about this experience & am loving this as a new hobby that I’m pretty sure will last.
I think PCing has so many fascinating elements to it that are hard to find anywhere in this world - surprise, delight, deciphering :wink:, mystery, geography, diplomacy (I think everyone here is like a mini-ambassador for their country), learning & knowledge, fun, friendship, interesting acquaintance, silly & meaningful exchanges. To name a few. I’m never bored here, for sure.
Also we have the important trust factor - that people will follow through & make an effort to the best of their abilities.
(I even get a kick out of the fussy requests i,e.: Please only send 3-legged gecko postcards, rendered in B&W with a 10% accent color of Caribbean turquoise only, not Mediterranean aqua. These asks are revealing & so human, :upside_down_face:) I laugh & send something I like.
PCing is a unique project that connects the world in a positive way - people here have been generous to me (an Australian PCer sent me stickers & cards, just out of the blue), others took the time to coach me on technical stuff, many sent me gorgeous cards & stamps that brightened my day along with notes, stickers, hand drawings & other goodwill tokens. And I love all the PCers who played tag - an international “you’re it”. Too much fun!
PC should be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize – the sheer numbers of people communicating, in a positive way, on a global platform in an easy and accessible form transcends any other In Real Life experience that I know of. Anyone can participate and the goodwill renews one’s faith in our human community.


So beautifully said @Livletliv :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


I’ve had some really wonderful written messages on postcards and in Hurray messages over the last few weeks, and each time it’s really made my day. Witnessing how kind and thoughtful people all over the world are really restores my faith in humanity and makes me happy!