What layout do you like on the message side of postcards?

I don’t like lines for the address and definitely no box for stamps. The worst is barcodes… so ugly!

Re the description, please bear in mind that some countries’ postal services add barcodes at the bottom etc.

Generally, I like my cards with the least amount of markings at the back as that gives maximum flexibility :grinning:

The front of the card looks great!

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I like the card, but could you add rays of lights, and or a creature?
I actually like the backside totally blank. I started to print labels so I could have more space to write.

Any info on card is best super tiny font with your www address or a QR code for info on your site.

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I use 4 or 5 lines, depending on the destination.
I would prefer if there was no box for the stamp.
Yes, I love image descriptions and credits, possibly on the left side.
I do prefer having a separator in the middle.
As for the pre-printed images, I can take them or leave them, but if you decide to use one I think it shouldn’t be bigger than the heron.

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I posted a similar thread about this topic a while back:

I’m not sure how useful my answers to your specific questions will be because this is dependent on each person’s preferences and their postal service guidelines, but here they are:

  • How many lines for the address do you like/usually need?

I use however many lines there are in the person’s address. This will vary by country. In the US, most people’s addresses are maybe 3 or 4 lines long, but if I get a UK address, it might be twice as long.

  • Do you like there being a box or image for where to put the stamp?

I do not care, either way. The boxes usually are not the same size as any stamp anyway. And good luck fitting a round international forever stamp into a box.

  • Do you like a short description of the image of the card, and if so prefer this on left or right side?

This depends on the image. If it’s a stock photo or just some random mass market graphical design, a description isn’t needed. But if there are artist/photographer credits and another notes about the location and/or objects depicted, I prefer the top left corner.

  • Do you prefer having a separator in the middle (for address side and message side) or just open space?

Open space gives you more flexibility in structuring the message.

  • Do you like pre-printed images on the card (like the heron in the picture), or just blank space to write more?

I prefer blank space to write more.

  1. How many lines for the address do you like/usually need?
    6-7 lines is ideal. My address needs 6 lines, some Chinese address needs 7 lines, so the more the merrier
  2. Do you like there being a box or image for where to put the stamp?
    I prefer box because because it’s too sad to cover image with actual stamp :sweat_smile:
  3. Do you like a short description of the image of the card, and if so prefer this on left or right side?
    Right, under the address lines.
  4. Do you prefer having a separator in the middle (for address side and message side) or just open space?
    I don’t care.
  5. Do you like pre-printed images on the card (like the heron in the picture), or just blank space to write more?
    I would like to have a picture. It should be not too big and not too dark (so you could write on the image, in worst case scenario)

Hope my opinions were helpful. Good luck with printing cards!

  • How many lines for the address do you like/usually need?
    I prefer no lines for the address
  • Do you like there being a box or image for where to put the stamp?
  • Do you like a short description of the image of the card, and if so prefer this on left or right side?
    I love descriptions, but would prefer them on the left side
  • Do you prefer having a separator in the middle (for address side and message side) or just open space?
  • Do you like pre-printed images on the card (like the heron in the picture), or just blank space to write more?
    The heron is cute! If you keep your images this small, they really add to the card. I wouldn’t like any bigger pictures though.
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I prefer no lines for the address, no box for the stamp, I don’t mind having a vertical divider. Yes, info about the image, left side at the bottom, because I also frequently use four stamps.

And please let me know (by DM) if you ever do get these printed. Really nice LOCAL picture. I’ve been struggling to find postcards locally.

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I like it when the cards are blank. Box where to put the stamp is total nonsense. A nice image from the maker of the card is ok.
Lines for adresses, ok, but not nessesary. The more the better.
I often put my own stickers over pictures or texts I do not like.
The heron is nice.
Problem is: in Germany the space under the adress must be blank. Otherwise computers can not read it. If there is something printed in that space, it can cause delays in sending on.

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I didn’t know about the rule for space under the address.

Do you mean to leave a gap of a few cm for the machine to print a code or do you mean simply don’t write anything under the name of the country because the machines try to read the bottom line as part of the address?

I am not sure, but maybe the last one.
We have strange rules here: postcards and letters must not be squares. Red or other colours for enevelopes are more expensiv etc…
On the other hand, we are quite cheap. 0,95 for a postcard to everywhere in the world??? That’s cheap. even more when you can send a big envelope up to 500 g for 3,70€. The same from USA would be $25.

Thank you so much for all your feedback & suggestions everyone - overwhelmed!

I will collate everyone’s responses but I think I have a good idea in my head from reading your comments and my own opinions what it will look like now - for example not putting the description under the address as many countries use this area!

@syaffolee thanks for sharing your thread, sorry I missed that. Will take a look at that too though :slight_smile:

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I’ve finally got around to ordering some - they should arrive early next week so will share how they turn out!

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Exactly! I never understand why they feel the need to do that! I use the postnl app and there it shows perfect, when I receive it there is that awful ugly sticker on it. Even if everything is perfectly fine…

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Hey everyone - the first batch arrived on Saturday! I’m really happy with how they’ve turned out.

Based on your feedback I went for five address lines, moved the description to top left and made the heron a bit smaller. @HookedonPostcards I also took your advice and removed the bit on the front - my boyfriend agreed it looked nicer without! Agree about the stamp box, useless, so that’s blank!

I personally like a bit of a gap between the address and message, so I used my name/instagram handle as the barrier between the two.

I’m going to use a few myself (that was the whole reason I did it in the first place) and see how I get on, might tweak a few things based on my use of it!

Might do a lottery for one on forum too :slight_smile:


So beautiful and appropriately detailed, as well as appropriate sparse … for us verbose stamp-loving Poscrossers! :purple_heart:

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How amazing that you are designing your own postcards! You have been an inspiration to me and I might try to make my own as well. You received so much good advice from postcrossers, especially about the box for the stamp area. Many of the stamps I use have a white background and the box or other markings bleed through and ruin the effect in my mind. Barcodes are the worst since there is a lot of ink area they are very dark. I had a very nice postcard, but it had a massive barcode - I managed to cover it in stamps, but it still bled through.


Nice card! :slightly_smiling_face:

I like three lines but with enough space in between so I can add double text lines if needed, and also starting a bit lower down so I can fit larger stamps.

I also agree with no text down the bottom right corner, I need the space when the address is long. I like a line separating the address from text.

Interesting theme :slight_smile: So here are my answers:

  • 5 lines (because some countries addresses have more than four lines)
  • Yes, but only if it’s small enough to be covered even by a smaller stamp
  • Yes, but only on the top of the left side
  • Separator
  • Blank space

Edit: Forgot: I totally like the image of the card. Fantastic nature :heart:

Hey there thanks for the new responses. I’ve now created the postcards so don’t need any further input, but appreciate this might be useful for other people?