What if lottery participants are from countries the Japan Post can't send mails?

First, I agree with most of the comments above: It isn’t discrimination to say, “Sorry, but I can’t send mail to the following countries from Japan . . .”

But if you do want to somehow include everyone, here are a few other options:

  1. Say that if the winner is from a country to which airmail from Japan has been suspended, you will hold the card, and mail it when/if airmail resumes in the future.

  2. Allow a winner from a suspended country to nominate a Postcrossing friend from a country you can send airmail to, to receive it instead.

  3. Allow the winner to pick a recipient from this list: Education - Postcrossing Community (school projects) to receive the card instead.

I don’t think you’re obligated to offer those workarounds though, just that you could if you want to :slightly_smiling_face: