What does my mail delivery person think about all of my postcards?

Where in the US do you live? My mailman stops to charge all the time. He loves the “cool” stamps I receive.

I ran into the postman a few weeks ago as I was walking home from the center of the village. He had mail for me from my old address, he stopt his car and gave it to me. “I put a lot of mail in your mailbox today,” he said. “Oh?” “Yes, from Saint Petersburg and Taiwan. You get so much mail!”

I said I’m a member of postcrossing. He had never heard of it. I told him about it, he likes it. When I now see him drive by in his red “Postman Pat” car when I walk outside, he opens the window and waves enthusiastically. :joy:

I told the ladies in the post office in the supermarket also about postcrossing. One is curious where the mail goes, the other likes to help by sticking the stamps, and another one is a bit jealous “Everyone only gets bills and you get so much nice mail.” :love_letter:

Sometimes I hang a card for the postman on my mailbox. For example at Christmas. To thank him/her for bringing all the mail. I now also have an envelope ready for the postman. He will receive a WPD card on Monday.


I’m a mailman and i love it! This is how i discovered postcrossing but only after being a mailman for 4years.
I had never delivered postcrossing cards untill i got a school on my round.
Alltough i mostly take extra care for mail that aren’t bills or advertising most of my colleagues don’t care, they want to go home as early as possible and extra cards are extra work.
In fact, my mailman curses me for joining postcrossing :grin:


To be honest, I have no idea! My mailperson generally comes to our door when I’m at work and when I drop off cards, I usually put them in the mailbox near my flat.
However, I did run into the/a mailman last week when I went to put some cards in the box. It wasn’t his usual pick-up time, so I’m not sure what he was doing there, but nonethless, he offered to take them for me. As I was walking away, I saw him look at them individually and I felt embarrassed :stuck_out_tongue: I generally use washi tapes and stickers, fun colours and sometimes even make a whole theme on the card. On this particular day, I was sending out two cards that I really went full-out on decorating. I hope he enjoyed looking at them though!

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@postmuse I just came across the forums today and I know your post is from last year, but I am so curious if the mystery was solved!

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