What do your family & friends think about Postcrossing?

Not many special reactions. Maybe because they are not interested in them, but some of them encourage me to do so.

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Most of my friends think it is interesting, but not enough to sign up themselves.

My mother used to collect stamps and has said multiple times how itā€™s sad that handwritten correspondence is declining, so I make sure to show her all the cards I receive when she visits. I suppose she vicariously enjoys Postcrossing through me, but doesnā€™t want to sign up. And to be honest, she has a bit of a tendency to ~ahem~ hoard things, so itā€™s probably best she just enjoys my cards :sweat_smile:

The most surprising reaction I had was thanks to the virus. Early last year I was doing my military service when a lock-down was initiated, so I couldnā€™t leave the base to get cards. All I had was the cards from the on-base post office which areā€¦not the most versatile. When ā€œmyā€ base ran out, I asked one of my sergeants if he could pick more up when he took some of my recruits to another base for a training exercise.
Well, he took his ā€œmissionā€ very seriously and kept me updated using suitable military terminology, which had me in stitches. After they all returned, he would ask me every day if any cards had arrived or if I had more I could send.
I tried to convince him to sign up too, but he thought his English wasnā€™t good enough :confused:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I lived with my parents briefly while Postcrossing, and their announcements of my postcard arrivals always sounded vaguely like threats, e.g. [yelling upstairs] ā€œREBECCA, RUSSIA WOULD LIKE A WORD WITH YOU.ā€


This made me LOL :joy:

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Sorry Iā€™m a bit new but what are bing cards?

Bingo is kind of game played between users that is based on sent and received cards with official ID from the main side.
As example I got 50 different countries in my sent stats, so I got postcards as reward from the other bingo players in All the world Bingo.

You are wellcome to join them #games-activities:bingo :slight_smile:


My grandma warned me and said, giving out my address to strangers, is inviting burglars to my door to rob me.
And I said: ā€œYes, Grandma, people from China, Russia and the USA take all the long way to Germany to rob me, just to notice that there is nothing to steal, as I am a poor student.ā€ Then grandma shut up, lol.


My husband says that he just thinks itā€™s nice that Iā€™ve got a hobby.

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Are you saying that I shouldnā€™t be hiding in your garden right nowā€¦? :sweat_smile:



My partner doesnā€™t understand my excitement for this hobby. But he respect it :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve convinced my mother and a friend to join, and that friend convinced her sister.
My mom raced past me in cards sent in a matter of months :sweat_smile:
They have all since quit though (but the friend and sister both gave me their left over card stashes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

My partner gets it but has no interest himself, heā€™s just happy Iā€™m happy

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My husband thinks itā€™s the perfect hobby for me and gets excited about particularly cool cards or neat facts.
My older son is willing to use his French skills to translate or write a card in French for me, but is not interested much.
My Dad is an unexpected resource as he has always been into stamps, so I get a ton of lower value stamps from him.
One friend signed up as a result, but the international postage rates discouraged her a bit.
And my cat absolutely MUST sit on and sniff every postcard that comes into this house!


Well, someone has to be in charge of quality control. :cat2:


When in a grumpy mood my husband says that he sees like each postcard doing ca-ching in his mind and the sum of money just goes up and up. Ah, and jokingly telling, he will throw away all my boxes of postcards xD

When in a good mood, he enjoys looking in the weird ones I get and helps me to make handmade postcard (like making up ideas to pimp the cards to make them funnier). Also he gave me his childhood stamp collection

My brother always picks up cards from vacations and his work for me.

And my toddler since he turned 8 months till now L-O-V-E-S everything about cards and all my tapes and stickers. So my boxes are often going through a resorting inspection, I donated him some washi tapes and old cards. Now when people send bears or Nijntje for him, he kisses the cards and cooing at them

To friends we always send cards from vacations, but I guess most of them are neutral and no-opinion, except two who are postcrossers themselves



This is so sweet; Iā€™m actually tearing up a little. :sweat_smile:


Iā€™d panic if my cat did that. He likes to rip paper.

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I recently got the most snobbish reaction from a friend who said, ā€œLuckily I have friends all over the world so I donā€™t need to sign up!ā€ He must think I have none. And, of course, heā€™s totally missing the point! :laughing:

So far Iā€™ve only received one official card which I excitedly showed my partner. He was mostly indifferent but took a moment to appreciate the nice stamps. :slight_smile: I am no stranger to snail mail though and come from a family that likes to send and keep these things.



Well, congratulations to him, I guessā€¦? It makes me wonder how he maintains all these friendships all over the world. Could it beā€¦that perhapsā€¦he communicates with them? :thinking: :sweat_smile:


He thinks Postcrossing is essentially ā€˜penpals with no contentā€™ ha ha! Which I quickly corrected of course. Luckily Iā€™m nice and weā€™re still friendsšŸ˜‚

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