šŸŒ What do you wish you had done differently in your postcrossing journey?

mine too :smile:


I wouldnā€™t buy too many copies of the same postcards, even if theyā€™re beautiful and I like them. Itā€™s difficult to find any nontourist postcard in Brazil, so I used to buy 20-30 copies of the same card everytime I found a new one. Now I prefer to have a varied stack of postcards on different themes.
Donā€™t pay attention to the people trying to impose their own rules about the type of postcards you should send, your profile text, the message you should write on the back of your cards, the way you decorate themā€¦if you try to fit in these peopleā€™s expectations, itā€™ll probably take away all of your enjoyment.


As a newbie, Iā€™m usually paired with veterans who have received many, many cards. I try to avoid thinking ā€œTheyā€™ve seen it all, so thereā€™s a great chance of boring themā€ instead sending a card thatā€™s unlikely to be a duplicate.

For tags, I wish Iā€™d started off noting which card I sent along with the user name on my spreadsheet. Iā€™ve been told ā€œThanks, I really like it!ā€ having no idea what ā€œitā€ was?


oh yes when i first started i was quite overwhelmed with the many pages with received cards on some walls. especially when some profiles had a very specific wishlist and some even said ā€˜please check my collections to avoid duplicatesā€™. and said collections were thousands of cards.
now i never check all the cards anymore, i just send something i think the receiver will like and write a nice message. i donā€™t think i ever received a super unkind hurray message.

also. i am now one with quite some received cards and i really hope people donā€™t get that feeling when they read my profile. i really donā€™t care about duplicates or that one perfect card. sending out a card is something for you to enjoy. itā€™s your free time, your cards and whatever else you wanna use. writing cards is the biggest part of postcrossing. it should be fun, not stressful.

oh and iā€™m never bored by a card. even after 9 years iā€™m still a bit disappointed on days when thereā€™s no mail and i still get super excited when i get home from work and find even just one card.


I have not seen it all, particularly I have not seen your text! And even if the picture was a duplicate, so what?