What do you pay for average postcards?

In Russia, if you buy online or in specialized stores, then somewhere from 5 to 25 rubles (0.07-0.34 USD)

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It cost me in India around 20₹ per postcard

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Bosnia and Herzegovina:
If you buy touristic postcard in shops, it is 0.5 - 1 EUR.
If you buy lot directly from printing company, it could be less, like 0,2 EUR, but have to buy 50+ pcs of same postcard
Generally, offer is not so big and nice, so I will try to find something online too

In Ireland its not too expensive to buy postcards. In many places you can mix and match and get 5 cards for 1 Euro, or 3 if they are bigger sized, or shaped etc… What expensive is is the posting of them. 2 Euros a card, anywhere abroad.


A local Postal Annex type place sells nice view cards of San Diego for 35cents, which in 2022 seems like a steal!

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I don’t allow myself to spend more than 1 Euro on a postcard. If a webshop charges more per postcard, I wait for a sale.

In shops, art cards are usually over 1 Euro, but if I like them very much, I buy some and only send them to people who request special cards. Or penpals.

Normal touristy cards can be 80 cents to 95 cents.

And in secondhand stores, I can get some for 50 cents each.

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I have recently bought a pack of more than a hundred old unused postcards from the 70’ 80’ and 90’ for 0’06€ each… But brand new they cost from 0’75 to 1’5€ around here.

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For all the view card i use costs 0.07$ USD,
for good quality one its aroun 0.13$ USD.
and for bige ones around 0.30$ USD

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Least I have paid is .20 cents US for tourist cards that I bought at a hardware store.

Most (so far) is 1.75 US. That was a special one ordered from Etsy, but I did get 2 additional cards as freebies.

I buy most cards online 50 Cent each card. I often get some as gifts from flat liquidations on ebay kleinanzeigen. If they are not so great, I make beautiful new cards with the old ones.

My kind of hardware store! :heart_eyes:

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In the US it isn’t uncommon to pay $1 or even $2 for a single card although cheaper ones can be found too.

In the Philippines the cheapest ones I found recently were 10 pesos which is something like 18 cents US but a lot here cost 20-30 pesos which is 35 to 50 cents US roughly.

I saw a shop recently that had a display of very nice cards for sale, but nearly fainted when I noticed they were USD $3 each! :open_mouth:

My limit would be $1 I’d say. Here, I can get local tourist cards 5/$1. On vacation recently I picked up several for 25¢ each. For non-viewcards I’ve mostly ordered assortments paying $13/25 (roughly 50¢ each).

You can get a box of 30 postcards for 10 Yuan/ 1.5 dollars from Taobao. But the quality of them are not good and most of them are without copyright. They are even not designed to be mailed…(It is not common to send postcards here, so they are usually used to be a part of the gift.) I don’t use them for Postcrossing.
A good postcard with copyright costs about 3 Yuan/ 0.45 dollars.

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Every now & then I’ll buy some 3D cards, usually $3-4 USD each but regular cards at my local Ben Franklin store are 3 for $1