What do you do with your ‘ugly’ postcards?

Sometimes I find that putting a big sticker on the face makes it a good or at least much better postcard!



@moneill Very clear examples - thanks for that! :smiley: :+1:

That’s exactly what I found, too. :upside_down_face:

Awheeeh! :smiley: Penny starts dropping… :smiley::wink:

Quite sure you (eventually) will! :+1: :blush:

So if you’re ever going to draw my profile, you might consider taking the “hidden box” out and look through – after reading through this thread I feel like I might be considered a “lover of what others might view as ugly postcards” of some… :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As probably most (all?) of you know, there are quite some “postcard series” out there which at present seem to be really popular amongst “Postcrossers” (so to speak)…

I personally find several of them REALLY UGLY! :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: [<= was exaggerating a little there … :wink: just to make a point, hehe… :wink: ]

The cool thing is: Without having directly mentioned / named any of those series on my profile, the text itself (+ wall of favourites) still seemed to have lead to me not receiving any of those to this day! :grinning: :+1:

And even if I one day would / will receive one of those (“ugly postcards in MY PERSONAL opinion / view”): It still could turn out to be one of my favourite postcards because I might REALLY LOVE THE MESSAGE on the flipside of it. :wink:


I once ordered a bunch of ‘vintage’ looking cards on aliexpress, but even though the cards have a nice tickness, I don’t like them very much. I am going to give those and a bunch of flimsy cards away on a local give-away-group.


The Weird RR has a few categories good for these cards if you want to get rid of them - Bad Buys, Boring, and Ugly :grin:

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I use the Ugly Card Tag or The Card you want to get rid of Tag


I love the SOS card and the potato card. I grew up around potato farms. And I like vintage cards.

I’m still hanging on to my ugly postcard pile, I think I’ll eventually send them to their rightful owner. Lol


Honestly sending postcards is very expensive for me, so I just prefer not to send cards I’m unsure the recepient will enjoy just for the sake for using them (I wouldn’t even call them ugly, just not what most people like or I jist have better alternatives). They don’t take up much space, so they can sit patiently and wait. Sometimes there pops out the rare person that requests something like that, then it’ll go to them. I might post some on offers with pictures visible, so the person can decide if they like it or not.

Call me selfish but I don’t want to participate in the “ugly for ugly” exchanges if I don’t know what I’m getting back :sweat_smile: Prefer to spend that money for exchanges I’d most likely get something nice back. But if someone would be offering someting “ugly” that’s actually to my liking, then I’d be happy to exchange. Or maybe a set in an envelope, to limit the cost.