What do you do about your "mystery sender" cards?

Possible but no, I don’t think so, as I haven’t been in one since early Nov and not in any from this country & it was mailed in 3rd week of Dec. Not sure who would send me an RAS & how would they get my address eh? Thanks for the ideas!

No, I’ve only done 2 DS with folks in this country & they are accounted for.

Is it possible that it’s someone who sent you an official Postcrossing postcard before, kept your address, and then decided to send you another postcard later?

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If you are searching from within this link https://www.postcrossing.com/search/users, you could use the asterisk(*) character to narrow down the users.
Say a username starts with LC, typing LC* will give a list of users whose usernames starts with ‘LC’. If a name ends with da, typing *da will give you names ending with ‘da’.


I’ve thought of that, but the name/ID on the card doesn’t match anything I’ve received from folks in that country. I thought maybe they’ve changed their ID name, people do, but then it would have likely popped up in Admin’s search for me right?

Okay I’ll try that - good tip, thanks!