What cards don't you like, and why?

I’ve mentioned this in another topic. There are several threads focusing in negative points about the experience in Postcrossing, that new users can feel overwhelmed. However, I’m sure you will do it ok, and get used with time.

Please, stay with us and enjoy Postcrossing as the amazing hobby it is.

BTW, based on the title of the thread, I have a few lines in my profile about what I don’t want to receive, in the most respetuous way I know… and it’s about nudity.
And that haven’t stopped users from send me cards with certain degree of nudity sometimes.
I see no harm in add a line in profiles abput “don’ts” if that’s important to you. I don’t mean “I don’t like multivews or cards from postcards books because those are too thin”. I really mean things that makes you feel uncomfortable, because we are from different places, with different cultures / manners. What is great or funny to some people, could trigger bad memories to others, or even being related with fobias. I don’t even what to wonder how I could feel myself if one day I open my mailbox and find a cockroach postcard with a message saying “hey, I hope you like it…”. :no_mouth: