What can you buy in a post office in Australia?

Looks great, thanks! I think maxicards are going to be the way to go for me then, but this is a really good idea!!

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You can use whatever you want, just as long as the stamps for Australia are compensated by 10%.
The following equation must apply:

“international post” + “normal Australia post”/1.1 >= 3$


Regarding Canberra special postmarks, the main post office (GPO) issued one in April to celebrate its 40th anniversary, depicting its clock tower. This will be available until next year. The GPO also uses a permanent pictorial postmark depicting the Parliament House flagpole

Both the GPO and Parliament House post office used to have pictorial cancels inscribed “First Day of Issue”, obviously only for use on stamps on their first day of use. These may still be available. The owl postmark mentioned earlier is from Belconnen Post Shop, suburb of Canberra.

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Hang on, I’m not quite sure I understand. So I would have to pay 30c more if its 3$, for example?

Cool, thank you!

These are the postmarks & their associated post offices:

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If you use only stamps that are not meant for international use, then yes you need to reach 3$+3x10% =3.30$
If you use 2$ stamps for “international post” and 1$ stamps that are not meant for international use, then you have to reach: 2$+1$+1$x10% = 3.10$

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They’re great! Thanks for the info!

Ahh I understand, thanks!

Thank you!

I might use it

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Soo I went to Edlins today, and thank you so much for the recommendation! Maybe they had some new cards in since last time as I found a bunch of really nice ones, and I think they gave me one free. I’m so excited to send them off!

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That’s great! They restock from time to time, so yeah, it’s the luck of the draw with respect to what they have at any given time.

Did you see there’s a meetup in Sydney on 2nd August? I might try and get up there for it. It would be my first meetup.

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Unfortunately I have class that day, so I don’t think i can come :frowning: but I’d still be interested in a Canberra meetup on WPD!

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