Vintage Postcards or not

I love vintage postcards! But i don’t send this, because some cards is very rarely. When card delivered it can damage or lost somewhere. I afraid of this postcards. I can show one of old postcard. This was printed in 1956. Usually in those days, for postcard use a don’t solid paper, card easily can break even in envelope.
When i read this in first once, I don’t understand. Why Sebastopol in California? But today i know a one thing. Sebastopol have a second version. This very surprised me🤯


I love sending vintage postcards. A majority of the ones I bought are from Flea Markets, tag sales, or secondhand stores. I just think they’re unique and can be beautiful. Plus I’d rather send them out, it’s better for the earth that way as opposed to them just sitting on a shelf somewhere or ending up in the trash.


i LOVE to receive vintage/antique cards, personally. if i do receive them, i’d rather get them in an envelope too to protect them since they are more fragile and i tend to like them as is.

i don’t send a ton of vintage/antique cards out for regular postcrossing unless the user’s profile says specifically that they like that sort of thing or if i happen to have a really great vintage card that matches one of their listed wants perfectly. when that happens, i always send in an envelope because i want it to be more protected.


I love them all. Vintage, used or not; antique or the reprints of old. I purchased a few “older” postcards from a second hand clothing store while on vacation and I’ve mailed them to postcrossers that mention interest in the theme and not necessarily the “vintage “ interest. They seemed to liked them because of the theme and delight in that they were old and maybe something they can’t find.

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I love getting vintage postcards. They are some of my favorite.

I would love to send some but I have not found a good place to find them where they are very expensive – $2-$3 a card.

Does anyone know of a good source?