All about Favourites

Is it considered rude to not favorite every card you recieve?

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Do you use them as a wishlist?
Or do you only favourite cards that you receive?
Or maybe both?
Have you questions about favouriting cards?


No, I never favourite a card I’ve received.
One person has mentioned to me, because of that, and my long and demanding profile, he sends me a not so nice card (which I liked).


No, it is not rude. You can use the favoriting any way you want, or not use it at all.

Some people use favorites to mark which cards they would like to receive. Some use it to mark cards they have received and would like to receive more in that theme. Some favorite everything. Some favorite nothing. So feel free to do what suits you best! :smiley:

There is a maximum number of favorites, however. It’s in the tens of thousands, but I don’t remember exactly — I just saw it on someone’s profile once.


I never mark my received cards as favorite because I am active participant in favorite tags


I am the type who feels bad when favorited some of the cards I received and leaving the rest unfavorited. But I also feel overwhelmed if I favorited every cards. So I tell the sender directly in Hurray Message if their card became one of my personal favorite and how I cherish it.

So my answer to the question is : I don’t think it’s rude (hopefully). It is up to the user how to use the favorite button/album in a way that is comfortable for them.


I don’t think it is rude. There are so many ways to use the favouriting for, that I just focus more on thank you messages instead and if the card gets favourited that is a big plus but I wouldn’t be upset about not favouring either.

I don’t favourite cards so often, because I want the favourites wall to be an easy, one page view of themes and types I have liked, so anybody wanting to use more time for selecting the card can have a quick look there and see it all at once.


My favorites are really random. Some are ones I got that I especially liked. Some are ones I saw on other people’s profiles and thought were cool. It isn’t organized and doesn’t mean anything other than I thought the card was cool at some point.


You can use the favoriting mechanism any way you want to. I only use it to mark the postcards I really like. Personally, I don’t pay too much attention to whether other people favorite my postcards or not since my sense of validation and enjoyment for postcards isn’t dependent on that.


I use my favorites as a wishlist and therefor do not favorite my received cards.
I do not think it’s rude to not like all cards.


I just favorite the type of cards which I absolutely adore, either so I can look them up and buy them myself, or so that if people potentially have the card I like they could sent it to me, or for people to get an idea of what I really like in general.

Though to be honest, I like almost all types of postcards really, and don’t really state any preferences on my profile for that exact reason, but I have noticed some trends in my favorites of the type of cards that I really adore, which people seem to notice and sometimes base their choice of postcard for me on.

I always try to make very clear in my ‘thank you’ message that I loved and appreciated a card, even if I don’t favorite the ones I liked the most, but sometimes I’m like: ‘what if this person doesn’t know I loved this card so much because I didn’t favorite it.’ But I think/hope generally people understand.

Another reason I don’t favorite incoming cards is that even if I do sometimes like one card more than another, I will always appreciate every card I receive, and will honestly be equally happy with them. A person would have to send me an offensive postcard for me to not at least appreciate the gesture of sending me a postcard, but so far I’ve not received a postcard that’s like that luckily.

And of course ultimately, the message is more important to me personally than the front of a postcard.

Anyways, huh, I had a lot of thoughts about this apparently, I was planning on leaving a short comment, but my tendency to ramble has taken over it seems. I would be surprised if anyone has read through this whole thing :sweat_smile:


My wall of favorites is empty and the reason is that I honestly like 99% of all cards I receive. And I like so many different kinds of postcards that I don’t want to narrow it down to a list.


I don’t favorite cards that I received because I don’t need them to appear twice on my wall. My favorites are cards I like to look at. If I like a card I received and want to see it, I can just see it on my received wall.

My guess is that most people don’t even notice that you haven’t favorited their cards.


No. In my opinion you should just favorite the cards that really speak to you. I love all my cards and I’m pretty sure most are favorites anyway lol. But I’m just saying you should favorite your favorites and not just because it happens to be your favorite but it can also help people decide what cards to get you. A lot of my favorite cards are ocean views and I think it will help people decide on which cards I like the best! Although I also like it when I get a card I’ve never seen before those also become my favorites

My favorites are only cards I have not received but would like to receive (or something similar).

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No, never heard of it. I find the way to browse postcards uploaded is unintuitive, so I don’t browse it often.

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Wow, how rude of him :neutral_face:
All the more satisfying you did like the card :rofl:

I use my favorites to show cards I would like to get, and also state that in my profile
I can spend hours browsing pretty pictures :blue_heart:

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I like all my postcards but I only favourite those that really made me smile more. I have in my profile that I love birds. Most bird postcards make it to the favourites wall for me.


What would be the point of favouriting, if you favourite everything? :wink:


As a person who favorites everything, my point is to let the sender know how much I appreciate the kindness of their postcard. And at 4:20 in the afternoon (Pacific Time) they’ll get a little email with a digest of every postcard that was favorited that day. That makes me happy.


I’ve just tagged someone with 23157 cards on her favorite wall.

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