USA price increase July 10th

Yes the lady at the post office i go to trusts me to put the right amount. As I use a food scale at home to weigh certain letters. If any is missing when they weigh it on the official machines. I pay it. But for thr most part the lady trusts me

One week is the maximum for a domestic card in my experience, usually 3 - 5 days.

I find these lengthy delays are often because of recipients who are slow to register; I did have a lost domestic card recently though.

Not all the postal clerks are knowledgeable or up to date , believe me! I had one ask me where the zip code was on the address, When I responded it is international to Belgium, she then asked me if that was in China, no joke! And , a few weeks after the daisy global stamp was released, I requested it and the clerk replied she never heard of it. So okay, they
donā€™t always keep up with the new stamps released, I get that, but I have learned not to rely on their responses to be correct, so I double check to be certain.


Wowā€¦ so I guess a bit of an update: it seems like my postcards are also reaching their international destinations already! About another 10-12 postcards have been registered around Europe and even Japanā€¦ in 11-12 days! I am utterly surprised given the fact that there are still delays in general happening around the world, plus I didnā€™t put sufficient postage on the cards! It was severly under-postagedā€¦ I had put about $1.20 on themā€¦a very outdated rate! Why? Probably just one of those dumb moments of (mental) weakness :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Thank you, universe! :pray:t2: :pray:t3: :pray:t4: