US Postage - mixing stamps

Howdy, do y’all know if we can use the three-ounce and two-ounce stamps to send internationally? There’s Ursula K LeGuin & Walt Whitman sheets that I’d love to use, but I’m not sure it we can mix and match specific usage stamps.
For example, I could use a three ounce 98¢, additional ounce 20¢, 10¢ and 2¢ stamps to make $1.30.


Yes. You can use them too. I’ve used them without any problem.


Thanks! That’s so exciting, so many more opportunities :smile:

@syaffolee do you know if these only allowed to be mailed within the USA since it says domestic?

Yes! You can find a great index to mixing stamps here:


According to this, non-denominated stamps are approved to be used internationally since 1995.


I mix and match all the time. I have a large stock of stamps going up to $0.22. I currently use two $0.58 Commemoratives + a $0.06 and $0.08 stamps for the $1.30. Once I exhaust these, then I will move to $0.13 + $0.01.

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