Translating/Transcribing postcard messages

It’s a genuine concern. It can be demonstrated in a similar way.

For the act of storing that you’ve brought up,

Status quo

  • What is happening outside of the translation thread?
    • Many stored images

Blanket ban

  • What will happen if all the intended postcard backsides are permanently stored elsewhere?
    • Still many images as it looks like adding only a limited number to infinity.

It’s relevant but private storage is not the intended scope of discussion here. You may open a new thread and discuss how it can be protected or achieved.

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As far as I understand, the “Counter-argument/solution/distraction" is:
What should we do with the poisoned apples in our store? Well, if we put them in another store, they’re not our problem anymore, right?

You can’t separate both problems, because they are linked.


Ok, I’m giving up here. :roll_eyes: I’ve understood that you don’t want to hear concerns affecting your suggestion, nor are you able or willing to deal with them in an appropriate way. It’s much easier to declare them to be a separate problem. Your case building goes very convenient that way.



I see more like “it’s safe to eat here, no poisoned fruits”
(Let’s just not tell the apples can be poisonous because there are not many.)

If someone points out the poisonous apples, it’s distracted to other fruits (facebook, ig), how facebook is not safe, and we should care about that.
If apples are removed (not forced to put to another restaurant (edit. and if they were put to another restaurant, they will know a poisonous apple is handled), no one has to eat them.
But solutions are like let’s not remove them, because someone might eat them from the bin.
And then is distracted wanting to discuss how bins should be kept safe that no one eats from there.


It is the same logic. Bad things happen in the world, but it doesn’t mean because bad things happen in the world, we should invite the same problem into our backyard. The two quantities – the number of postcards in the translation thread and the number of postcards in the world – are like a few versus infinity. I think we should instead try to keep our backyard clean (so should all the others, but we don’t have control).

Back to my OP, the merit that I see in my proposal is the trade-off between efficiency and fairness. I understand the measure upsets some people, but for those who are expected to bear the inconvenience in the scenario, I urge them to think about the people who may be upset by the temporary yet public posting of their postcard writings.


I wasn’t talking about the other fruits (Facebook,…), I was talking about the same fruit (Postcrossing site) in another store (direct messages).
This is the thing varn is suggesting (sending the pictures via direct message, not supervised by admins, without control of the resulting data) instead of the thread where the data is deleted.


It is a genuine concern that is better addressed in a new topic. Private storage is not the focus of the thread because if we insert this element into the argument and look at it from both sides, we’ll find out it doesn’t change the argument. Postcrossing private messages plus private messages outside of Postcrossing basically equals infinity, so once again:

If you want to focus on the stored images on Postcrossing only, then the same logic still applies. Here I assume there is already a great amount of personal information stored here (addresses, photos, etc.). An even more reasonable assumption is that a leak is way less likely than an exposure (which is already a certainty).

Oh, so now the Postcrossing forum is the outside world, too?
The direct messages are part of the forum!

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To clarify, I was comparing the two quantities. Edited as follows:

Glad you raised this concern. I thought about this too. Again, this concern merits another topic. And I would love to see what people think, for example, if they want an auto-delete feature.

To put it in the context of the proposed measure, let me use the same format. In terms of private messages,

Status quo

  • What is happening outside of the translation thread?
    • Many private messages

Blanket ban

  • What will happen if all the intended postcard backsides are permanently stored in Postcrossing private messages?
    • Still many as it looks like adding only a limited number to infinity.

So it does seem that we can address the two issues (public posting and data storage) one by one. It can of course be the reverse order. For example, whether or not an auto-delete feature is introduced to private messages here, the problem in the OP remains pretty much the same.

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Ok. (I leave the fruits now, I think we understand.)

Published messages (translation thread) has same problems as private messages, plus public ones has the problem of people taking screenshots of it, and the image being stored in that persons phone too, plus and it being publicly visible also to people not in postcrossing, without the sender knowing about it. The fact that it is deleted, doesn’t mean it never was there.

Private messages are direct communication. When I have been asked for a translation, it has been about this way: “Hey I received this “id-number”, unfortunately I don’t know enough Finnish, could you help me translate it. I can take a photo if you don’ remember what you wrote.”

If one of the solutions include a problem that exists even before using it as a solution to this problem, doesn’t mean we should forget the problem the situation now has.

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Guess it’s time to invite the sender to join the forum for exchanging photos. Then it circles back to the nature of forum being optional. And further back to the issue of fairness and what the core concept of Postcrossing is.

If it imposes too much of a burden on the sender, then let go. When we don’t have permission to publish, then it’s prudent not to. At least this respects the sender’s presumed privacy/will.

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Yes, this is why I see it can be treated as different problem.
If the auto-delete is taken to private messages, I’m still not informed about my message possibly being published in the translate thread.
@Cassisia do you understand now how I see it’s a different problem?

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Now I need to correct myself, I didn’t find any of this in my private messages, they have been in Hurray messages. Sorry about confusion!

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No, it’s still a problem of this topic.

If you ask the general question whether members can delete messages and pictures sent by themselves or others in private messages, it’s a different topic.

The question knotted to varn’s “better use private messages” remains to be thought through in this topic.

It’s a problem of choice of who should be in care of and responsible for the “delete data” process:

  • Is it a sensible idea to put the responsibility for private data in the hands of members, by directing members in need of translation to the private message system, where no-one else knows what happens with the pictures?

  • Or is it better to keep the responsibility with the admins and moderators of the forum, by letting the members in need of translation find the translation topic where they may post the pictures in the open, to be deleted later?

I think this question is not so complicated or difficult to answer that you’d need another topic.

You and @varn treat the problem by acknowledging only black and white, not wanting to see that it’s a grey zone created by juridical discretion.

In my opinion, 100% data protection means no translation help at all, neither in a topic, nor via private messages.


If I follow you correctly, from a data security point of view, it is also safer for us to exchange mailing addresses in a public thread because it is deleted regularly instead of being permanently saved in private messages?

No, it isn’t.

Are you making up another side topic to distract from the fact that you don’t want to answer my last question?

You’re the one suggesting to direct the members to exchange possibly sensible data by private messages, so choose your position, please. It’s not about adresses here.

(In the art of communication this diversionary tactic is called “Strohmannargument”, Red Herring. Instead of referring to the other’s position you imply something they didn’t say.)


I think it’s safer to exchange postcard writings through private messages.

So why do you think it’s safer to exchange postcard writings in a public thread when it is not so for addresses?

Ok, we disagree on that then. (So I don’t try to explain more.)

Are you suggesting this problem should be dealt first, and only then the translation thread problem?

Now the published messages are in the hands of the members, and also non members. No one knows what happens to these pictures either, right? Are the ones who copy these photos deleting them, or storing in their cloud? For how long?

It’s is told members in need of translation are not finding to translation thread, because translating and message showing happens in large amounts elsewhere. (=Translation thread not necessary/not working how wanted).

If this is the only question and thought about data protection then yes, I will much rather have the translating happen in private message than publicly on the forum and I don’t see it significantly increasing the safety issue already happening.

Instead I worry a little the given false impression of the public translating being “safe” or safer.
Same problems are there. What is published in the Internet, is not unpublished.

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Addresses get exchanged hundreds of times a day, whereas pictures in the translation thread get posted five a week. Addresses contain a lot more personal data directly linked to a person, whereas the written side of a postcard may just contain a postcard ID and a given name.

Please understand that it’s not about the exchange itself, but about the question whether the data can be easily located and deleted by the moderators.