
#19 @AprilSun66

Oh, very nice cards!

Thank. you for hosting this lottery!

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@Reisegern And how do you suppose I move my topic given my privileges?

Just do it. You can move your own topics elsewhere.

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How exactly do I move my topic, is there a button for this?

If you edit the headline of the topic, you can chose another forum category.

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Okay I have moved it successfully now, thank you for informing me.

Победитель один @postbot roll 1d19

:game_die: 6

1 Like

Победитель два @postbot roll 1d19

:game_die: 13

1 Like

Победитель три @postbot roll 1d19

:game_die: 14

Поздравляю @snailmailermk, @ana_apsa87, @postcrossingbali :partying_face:


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