Top 5 DOs & DON’Ts for new postcrossers?

Don’t worry, normal pens are enoughly waterproof. Most of the mail survives dry, and the use of waterproof pen is just an extra thing. Many people write the id only once, in fact majority of the cards I get have the id only once. And more often that I would think, the postmark is not next to the postage stamps, it can be on the lower part, or on the image side, so there is no safe place.

I never write my username, it’s very rare that someone writes their username in their card.

I think the most useful thing is to write the id twice, and if you upload the image of the card, at that point again check the number is correct.


Thank you! :blush:

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I don’t think that is necessary. It’s just a couple of cards, they will get there and you now have more experience for your next cards.

And yes, I never write my username either (unless it’s a private swap). Even when people do, I rarely look them up before registering the card. If the system is set the way it is, there is a reason for that, and I don’t find it so important (for me) to do it another way.

I know I am pedantic, but I really don’t know how people don’t read FAQs, I read all in order to decide whether I wanted to sign up or not, as I had so many questions popping in my mind about how this would work. The fact that a lot of my questions were addressed there (e.g. what if I move houses? Is this for collectors?) gave me a lot of confidence in wanting to join. I’m certainly not someone that acts on enthusiasm alone…


Thanks elikoa.

I did try and read some of the FAQs. But I’m very much a person who learns through doing, not reading mountains of rules beforehand. I find that stuff dry and meaningless to me unless I can actually picture what it means (and why it’s important) through having had some basic experience with it first. So yeah…. my bad.

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વાહ, that’s what i can say in my mother Tongue Gujarati, it means Wonderful , Good Advices, thank you, Master

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Yeah, FORUM is so fun, also RAoC is also great !!
Mail Box will be Definitely full of Joy month

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Ps. Add little Details like Your City’s Temperature , ig. It’s Raining

Also must add Date on card,
Please add tag in Forum Cards at last ,

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At the end this is a hobby, so I don’t think there are really strict DOs or DONTs. However, with common sense I can list these:


  • Forget to write the card ID
  • Feel forced to oblige every single demand
  • Be rude
  • Pass the profile without reading
  • Be shy to say thank you :slight_smile:
    Bonus: Don’t forget to have fun during each and every postcard preparation

Me as a beginner, I’ve sent my own picture via site who prints the picture and sends it as a postcard. In our country it is an official service of the national postal service. But in some countries this service is offered by non-postal companies, and you should never share adress with third person. So I don’t do it anymore, even it was an official postal service.


I’ve been on a slight hiatus so I don’t know if I’m “seasoned” anymore, but here are my two cents:


  • Write the card ID and log any cards that you receive. I would actually recommend writing the ID twice in different spots on the card in case something happens (eg. if the part of the card with the ID was torn up)
  • Read the person’s profile. Your choice on how much of their wants you would like to meet, but I find it a great source of inspiration in case you’re stuck on what to send or what to say.
  • Be patient. Mail can take a long time to travel, especially with our current health crisis.
  • Calculate your postage carefully to make sure your card will go to your destination.
  • Have fun!


  • Feel like you have to follow every single demand on someone’s profile! For example, if you don’t have a card that matches their preferences, no need to go out hunting for a card if you do not want to.
  • Feel like you have to reveal too much about yourself. I know when I first started Postcrossing, privacy was a concern for me - and it still is. Only share what you’re comfortable with sharing!
  • Be afraid to reach out to Postcrossing staff is something is wrong. For example, if you can’t read the ID, Postcrossing can help you figure it out.

Amen :pray: i love the :eye: roll … i so agree with trying to adhere to a wish list when you have nothing to match it
Ty so much Blissbee
Hugs and smiles

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Sorry, but what is a “hurray” message or mail? :sweat_smile:



That is the message that postcrossing sends when your postcard is registered as received by the recipient.

People often add a thank you or a message of appreciation.

The subject line of the email is “Hurray”


And a hurray message is a thing of joy, because you know once you receive it, that you can send out another postcard. Something that makes most of us very happy. :blush:


Some I have noticed and learned since I started in May 2020. This is a pretty long and detailed top 5 but I hope it helps someone!


  • Take picture of the text side of your card. You probably won’t remember what you wrote and it’s nice to look back at it if the receiver comments something you said.
  • Focus on the positive. Rather than writing what not to send, write what you wish to be sent. It’s easier to have an idea based on what you like, rather than what you don’t like.
  • Add date and your name to the card. It’s much more pleasant to the receiver to register it knowing when it has been sent and who.
  • Always be polite, even when receiving a card you don’t like or a card with no message. If you didn’t like it, still say thank you when registering. You don’t have to be extra friendly if you only receive a “happy postcrossing” text and nothing else, but just don’t be rude.
  • Only like cards you have not received. You can thank the sender in the registering message. But many people use the Favourites as a look on what kind of cards the receiver likes and it’s difficult when the receiver has liked every card they have received! Even if I receive the best card ever, I don’t like it. I only like cards I have not received so if someone looks at my Favourites, they know I like that card but haven’t received it yet. (This is just my personal opinion and tip I can give but of course not a real rule!)


  • Ever delete or switch the picture of the card you receive, unless you plan to upload a better one or the photo is of a different card than what you received.
  • Have a list of “Don’t send” themes, if they’re not sensitive topics like phobias, war, nudity, religion etc. You can politely say that you don’t prefer say animal cards or multi-view cards, or wish them to be sent to people who wish them. But don’t say you don’t want them or the sender should avoid them. It gives a really negative feeling.
  • Send an empty card. Always try to write more than just Happy Poscrossing. If it’s harder for you because of the language, use your own language or use a traslator. Anything is better than an empty one.
  • Keep the sender waiting! Don’t register cards that you received on different days, on the same different day, on purpose. Always register the card as soon as possible. You don’t know if the card has been traveling for a year and this way you may ruin the chance for the sender to get the card on their statistics. (Has happened to me)
  • Ask someone or do it for someone: register postcard without receiving it! It’s in the postcrossing guidelines but many people don’t know or don’t care about it. It’s part of the hobby that cards get lost. And registering a card you have not received can alter the statistics and you may be scammed. Just don’t do it.

Extra tip or a thought: You don’t need to send another card if it has been travling for “too long”. Cards get lost and it’s unfortunate but it’s part of the hobby. But if you want to send another one, it’s totally okay too. I haven’t sent a second one to any of my expired ones. But I think I would do it if I sent a card to a really rare country and want that to my statistics, before the 1 year gap closes. Then I would send another one. Otherwise I wouldn’t.


I’m new & can’t find the HELP/FAQ ID section. Anyone able to direct me?

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Here you can find Help/FAQ


Thank you so much, Kanerva!


Hey, I just learned how to mention people in my posts so I’m going to do this one again :wink:

Thank you so much, @Kanerva !


All my suggestions have been mentioned but one more thing:

If you decide to give up or take a break from Postcrossing then PLEASE register the cards you’ve received before you disappear!!
‘Ghostcrossers’ are a very sad experience and it’s so disheartening to send a lovely card off only to see that the recipient- and your card- vanishes off the face of the earth. If you can, please tie up loose ends first :slight_smile: