Suggestions for blog posts

I’d love to read about the “elderly youngsters” who are active members ! Maybe the over 90s, or over 85s… their stories, especially amidst this pandemic, could potentially be very inspiring and uplifting !


I’d love to read about people’s postcard preferences. Not in a “don’t send me anything else but this!” kind of way but out of pure curiosity. Why do make some subjects people tick? Why do they wish to receive postcards depicting these specific themes? What is their definite Number One topic, if they had to choose? I think it is always fascinating to read about postcard preferences, especially when the list is long and seemingly contradictory.

Also, I’d love to read about the importance of the message on the back of the postcard. What sort of note do people prefer? Long, short, mundane, rakish, philosophical, teaching some basics of your native language to the recipient? Is a good message more important than the subject on the postcard? I’d love to hear more about this too :+1:

Here’s a suggestion list (forgive me if they have already been done before! I sometimes miss some blog posts, or have forgotten about them) :

  • Highlight a country’s postal service. Or “fun facts” about them. The mail carriers already do this in a way I guess (I love them so much!)

  • Unusual delivery means/methods of postal services (ie boats/ships, mule-train, dock-to-dock, etc)

  • Mini Postcards - AKA souvenir view paks…I’ve been meaning to start a thread about this on the forum actually. These are all vintage items now, I don’t believe they are being produced or sold as new product.

  • Postcard Folders (Similar to mini postcards above, I think these are now solely vintage items)

  • Stories of when postal services and/or postpeople have gone up and beyond delivering postcards (the forum has some already that maybe you can pick from?) to their intended recipients

Here are the suggestions that I second from previous replies:


I was excited to learn about the following, and think it would make a great Blog topic:


Dear Leaders
Today a Postcrossing member @Damage was on the radio and an article was published in the newspaper about his involvement with Postcards to the Front. This group sends postcards to those defending Ukraine who are on the front lines (soliders, medical personal, rescue workers etc) I thought this could be an excellent topic for the Postcrossing blog. Peter is a friend of mine and I know he would be open to being interviewed or writing something for you. I think some Postcrossers might be interesting in being involved. A postcard is a 1-to-1 connection and so important for raising moral.