Suggestion: Hiding our stats

No, I actually didn’t think anything :slight_smile: , but just that I like to see the cards, and their travel times.
And if one of the stats wasn’t showing, it would remove the travel time from that card. Unless, like you wrote, there was an anonymous system.

Here is my most suspicious card, I think :grin::

So, if in this case, the receiver hides their receiving date, no one would see the weird travel time?

(That card did not travel in one day, it was registered by Postcrossing team while I still had the card in my bag :upside_down_face: but now it’s on it’s way. I believe this unnormally short travel time would lead to think I have asked someone to register this card, but I haven’t.)

Talking about bulk registerers etc. here in forum is a good thing (unless the tone would be accusing). There are so many reasons for that, and hopefully they will learn when other members write about it.

I love the stats and the curious quirks, like the one in the post just above. To most things there is an explanation.
I also like to see what travel times are usually like for a specific person, not just what is usual for a country.

About the bulk registering example, I still think that if someone is a regular member, it would not raise any eyebrows, and that it is not a problem to ask politely, though harassing is of course not okay in the slightest (and I only consider “bulk registering” a gaps of several months each time, not a week).

As for being inactive, being unable to go to the mailbox often, wouldn’t it be just easy for people to add a line on their profile explaining that, if they are worried of being judged? I know we shouldn’t need to explain ourselves but to me personally it is no trouble. I added an explanation when I went back active after 4 months, therefore with a big enough gap, and I sent to someone who did the same.
I am experienced enough with Postcrossing to guess that that could be the reason for large gaps, but newer members might be confused.

But wouldn’t it be also confusing if some people had stats in plain sight and others didn’t? And how would it affect the sending party (if we are talking about hiding the received cards). Similarly how the Walls can only be edited by one side (the sender before registration, and the recipient afterwards), it would end up quite messy when someone hides something that the other person wants to show etc.

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i actually never look at someone’s stats? maybe sometimes to see how long a card travels to a certain country but that’s about it.

and maybe this is a totally different discussion but i don’t get the stalking peoples profile at all. i write my card out and i try to choose the perfect card for someone who is online quite often and also for someone who hasn’t been online in a week or has 2 sent cards. sometimes they expire but honestly that’s not something that has me lying awake as night because most of my cards do arrive. i definitely don’t go checking profiles of traveling cards.

also i was thinking. if i have sent a card to you and you decide to hide your stats but i don’t. can i see how long my card was on the way to you? there should be a very well thought system or it gets very messy i think.


It does seem that the main problem probably wouldn’t be solved by hiding stats. The main problem is the level of interest that a person has in the whens and whys of other people’s registration of cards.

When I send a card, and it seems to have been an extra long while to a particular country, I may click through to the person’s profile to see if they have signed in recently. If they have, I go on about my business. (If they haven’t, I go on about my business too, but with less optimism about the card being registered. :slightly_smiling_face:)

I’m not curious/concerned/nosy enough to look through their registration habits. Other people are. :woman_shrugging: I think hiding the information could possibly lead to an increase in messages to the user and to staff, which would certainly not be ideal!


I agree - especially if someone is relatively new or impatient, doesn’t realize how slow snail mail sometimes can be etc.

Hiding just one column from the stats doesn’t really solve anything, if we want other people to not see our travelling times, the only solution would be to never disclose the registration date. The sender and the recipient would know but it couldn’t be shown anywhere publicly, meaning it would need to be deleted/invisible on the individual postcards pages as well, and the travel time couldn’t be shown there either. Otherwise, if someone were really curious, they could just sort the sent or received cards by country and just click on every card separately. More work but not impossible…

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I don’t know if I have anything new to add to the thread but as someone who regularly checks out others’ received data… I would be sad to see it gone.

For the cards that are travelling for longer than 3 weeks, I do it regularly to see if there is any hope in having it registered anytime soon.

  • If I see someone registers postcards in big bulks - I’ll wait patiently, happy that my card probably isn’t lost and it may happen anytime :relieved: (Side note: somewhere on this forum there was discussion on reasons for bulk registering different than being bad person and assuming good intent is a good thing to do in general).
  • If I see that usual travel time for cards from my region oscillates around month or two - I’ll wait patiently.
  • If I see the usual travelling time much shorter, I’ll consider resending the card. Etc.

Also, from the receiving end, years ago I had to explain myself that I’m an active person and will register the card when I get it. I’d only log in to PC for drawing or registering and apparently “Last seen: week ago” is a red flag for some people :woman_shrugging: Like @syaffolee said - there’s always a reason if you want to go hara… I mean, passively-aggressively accuse someone of something :wink:

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Out of curiosity, how does it happen that a postcard is registered by Postcrossing team before it is even sent?

By the way, I usually bulk send so I also tend to bulk receive and therefore bulk register :woman_shrugging:

The receiver had moved, and the team helped her in registering the card. (I don’t know if all cards travelling to her were registered.)

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I love to see the stats, not only mine but also at the other postcrossers page. There are many reasons why some cards need longer travel time, especially now during the pandemic. And it is not necessarily the postcrossers fault if a card needs longer. Sometimes cards travel in a bulk. That is also not the postcrossers fault. For example the other day I had have a US day. And yesterday was a RU day. It is funny for me that sometimes I receive several cards from a certain country which were send even on different days. I think that happens now more often because of flight reductions. And also in some areas people do not receive letters and cards every day - even in Germany. And yes sometimes unexpected things happen why a card cannot be registered immediately.
That is part of the game.
But I still want to know how long my card is already on the way. And I love to see how long it takes in average for a card from my country to reach that certain participant. And most of the time the card travels in-between my average of travelling time and his/her travelling time. Still there are many unpredictable things. And sometimes cards got lost. There is no need to be rude.
I even once had a case in which the receiver moved to another country. And so I figured out, that my card got lost. I explained it on the additional card I sent. And so the receiver could react on this.