[Stamps] UK stamps, prices, Royal Mail & Post Office matters

A Sunday delivery? Wow!

Next week’s Panorama is about “Royal Mail: Where’s My Post?” Monday, 8pm, BBC1.


Deliveries Monday and Tuesday so far this week !


I’m not sure what another exposé will achieve. All Government is doing is applying fines at a high level. It should be threatening to renationalise all Royal Mail services and encouraging the police to open criminal investigations against local offices. I’m still missing 50+ postcards from last year as well as other mail such as bank letters, letters from DVLA, and the local council. My local MP visited the sorting office and was told that the delays were caused by staff shortages and sickness, and that everything has now been delivered. I think mail has been destroyed. Surely that’s a criminal matter?


Norvic has a blog post up… there’ll be a postage rate change…

No details have been announced yet for uses of social mail or small businesses: we can expect the announcement for these on 1 March.

Details for franking machines (meters) have been announced including a 1st class rate of £1.17 and 2nd class of 79p.


I last had post on the 14th of Feb… you all make me jealous!


Aww! Postie visited 4 times this week, although yesterday’s delivery had nothing for me (but a magazine for the other half). Wondering if he’ll come today with things. At least it ain’t raining… he was soaked when I spoke to him the other day. He also says I have competition on this estate for post!

Edit - postie just visited with a letter from America!

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No post yesterday ( Thursday )

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Blast! I’ve just cleaned Philatelink out of 97p stamps.
Do you know if tbe international rates are changing?


Details on 1st March, but looks to come into force on 2nd April 2024, after Easter (1st is Easter Monday).

A reduction for 1st class? I’d welcome it, though if that is going to be the new rate and international stays at £2.20 this will be a nightmare without older make up values


I’m not sure it will be a reduction- franking machines are up to about 30% cheaper than stamps per item from what I can gather, which would make the new stamp rate quite a bit higher (someone else will have to do the maths but I reckon you are looking at £1.50 + fcm minimum). But I don’t know- just a guess based on what the franking machine companies say about their rates v stamps.

  • the Nordic blog is suggesting ‘in the region’ of £1.30 fcm and 80p scm

Sorry to be a doom and gloom merchant



It’s times like this, I get jealous of people in other countries that have cheaper postage, but at least we aren’t like Denmark :joy:


Yet. She says darkly. :laughing:


When that happens, I’m out of here :joy: :joy:


This May I’ll have been taking part in Postcrossing for ten years. When I began, it was 95p to send a postcard anywhere in the world. :smiling_face_with_tear:


After you all mentioned the prices might be going up I decided to stock up on First & Second class stamps from Philatelink earlier this week. I figured even if I can’t find the exact make up stamps once the new prices are revealed I’ll still potentially have stamps worth £1.50 that only cost me 85p :blush: and they’ll keep me going for a while x


Yes, I’ve done the same. I always do before a price increase. It keeps this wonderful hobby affordable.


Strongly suspect RM have lost my latest Philatelink order :weary:
Wasn’t actually expecting it at 7:30pm on a Sunday, but a 24hr tracked being ‘In Transit’ from the Mail Centre to the Delivery Office for 20 hours seems a little odd
Should I be worried?

Does anyone know what the new prices will be ? Currently it’s £2.20 to send a postcard abroad. Thanks