[Stamps] UK stamps, prices, Royal Mail & Post Office matters

Here’s an example of one I did at the weekend!

I’ve just had to order another batch as running low…



And here are two I prepared this morning (admittedly the Janet Bell postcard is the larger size, but then the David Gentleman one is a small small):


Your interlinking of the stamps is very skilled!

These look great!


LOTS of practice!


Question - with the 1/2p stamps i.e. 15 1/2 - can we use them with another 1/2 stamp to make a whole?! If that makes sense? I.e. If I put a 15 1/2 stamp with say a 3 1/2 stamp, would that be 19?


No sorry the 1/2p is just dropped. So your example would be 18.

At least that’s what I gathered from information seen elsewhere (sorry can’t reference)


Yes, that’s what I was told here too. Possibly higher up this thread.

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In 2009 Royal Mail removed the ½p from valid postage but later that year backed down and only the single ½p stamp was removed from valid postage.

For example: A single 15½p has 15p of valid postage, two 15½p stamps have 31p of valid postage, three 15½p have 46p of valid postage and four 15½p stamps have 62p of valid postage… etc etc


Has anyone ever used souvenir postcard stamps like these? Ashmolean Souvenir Postcard Stamps

What do people think of them?

Ah, the international postcard stamps… I’ve never used these Universal Mail postcard stamps, but the stories about them would put me off… The postcards go on detours… they go the scenic route! And take time… patience definitely required.


Looks like it would make sense to stock up on 1st class stamps right now. 2 x 1st class stamps currently still cost us £1.70, but will continue to cover the new £1.85 postcard rate from next month onwards (with 5p to spare).

Another thing: I have discovered that the Royal Mail, in its wisdom, currently uses some bold “Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal” machine slogan postmarks. (I have received examples from North & West Mail Centre and Tyneside NE/SR Mail Centre, both used last week). Of course a laudable gesture. But if they get applied to our cards sent to Russia… Could’t help wondering how the Russian censors will deal with that? :frowning:


Migratory Birds

Issued: 7th April 2022


I’m new to all this posting malarkey and postage cost rises. I have a question that may be very straightforward to answer but, I am getting my head in a spin trying to figure out the answer.

I’m looking at buying a sheet of £1.70 stamps to save me having to walk to the Post Office to buy stamps only to find that they have run out again, yes, I can use 1st class stamps but, I also like the look of the picture stamps.

My question is, when the price rise happens will I need to use a £1.70 plus whatever else to make up the 15p or just the £1.70 as they were bought before the rise?

I think I know the answer but seek clarification.


You’ll need to add 15 pence worth of stamps for it to be valid.

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Thank you @Florallle , you have confirmed what I thought.

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@anon141542 it might be better to buy some nice 1st/2nd class picture stamps and a few make up values before the price increase, rather than £1.70s.

I think the new international postage will be 1st + 2nd + 20p + 2p, which is definitely quite a lot of stamps to fit in, but not impossible!

1st/2nd class stamps are worth 1st/2nd class rate forever, unlike stamps with a value printed on them (like £1.70s) which become less useful when the rates change.

I’ve just stocked up on a few more Scottish country definitives 2nd class stamps, which are nice and small and still barcode free for now :blush:


Thank you @katiemmj , that sounds like a great idea.

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My half sheet of these arrived on Friday: they’re grand! I’m looking forward to sharing them on my post.

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I opted for the stamp sets so I could have 6 copies of the complete issue, but I’ve ordered both the half sheets of forthcoming Migratory Birds. I have no idea when I will use them as I’ve given myself a challenge of using my large collection of definitives without using the Royal Mail swap-out scheme.


Please help figure out what I did wrong!

I had an 8-ish months-long break from Postcrossing and I’ve been excited to get back to sending and receiving cards. I drew the maximum number of addresses I could on my PC account and prepped all the cards in one go. I did what I would do in the past and either put one stamp that said £1.70 (which I checked was the current price before the change in April) or multiple stamps to make up the amount needed. I also don’t have the airmail stickers so I tend to just write airmail in blue pen on the right hand side of the card.

I then sent them all out last Monday (21.03) by simply putting them in a post box outside of where I live. None of them arrived yet! I’m used to having at least the cards to Germany arrive in 2-3 days but I’m still waiting.

Is it that the travel times changed because of covid etc (which I wouldn’t mind) or have I missed something/done something wrong and wasted all those stamps on cards that will never arrive?

I should maybe mention that I just buy all my stamps from the Royal Mail online shop and some of them would have been “old” i.e. bought a long time ago but still saying 1st class etc.