Share your postoffice logo

In short - Its Complicated…

A bit longer -
Initially Royal Mail & (General) Post Office where the same company, Post Office to send mail and a Royal Mail office to collect misdelivered post and parcels.
In the early 1970s they separated but maintained the close relationship, during the 1980’s and 1990’s both where privatised and had to look at other ways to maintain revenue streams, the Post Office does so many things other than mail, telephone, broadband, banking, insurance, passport services, etc. Only recently the Post Office has now started offering alternative postal services and couriers to Royal Mail.

I will post pictures of my local post offices in the other thread about ''What Your Post Office Looks Like"

Isle of Man (IOM) I have included as I have been there a few times and visited Post Offices there (and on their mailing system from stamp orders)
IOM is an overseas territory of the UK located within the British Isles and their mail system was part of the RM, but in 1973 became a separate entity and is managed by the Manx government.
All mail on the Island is routed through RM in Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

Other overseas territories such as the Channel Islands & Gibraltar have their own logos too


Old Dutch Post Office (PTT = Post, Telegraph, Telephone) logos

The white triangle represent telegraph cables between isolators. Below the postal horn. Designer Gradus van Eeden. Used from 1950.

The circle reprensents the telegraph and telephone wire, around it the postal horn. Designer Harry Disberg. Used from 1957 to 1981.




I see thank you for shared this information.

We have same name for that and thank you for shared information ptt: post, Telegraph, Telephone same meaning in Turkish.


Looking for the logo I just realized that they have changed it last year (now is the one on the right), but I guess that because of the pandemic all the post offices still use the one on the left, and of course is a messenger pigeon in both cases! :slight_smile:


Greetings from Switzerland!



colours similar to Turkish logo :blush:

I really liked them, nice!

Wow it’s cool seeing all of the logos! Thanks for the idea!


Hello. Here is the logo of the Cyprus Post Offices



sehr schoene idee, hier die logos zu zeigen!!!

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yes, you’re right! and guess what! it was called PTT earlier too, look! LOL


Canada Post

This one is on the outside of Post Offices


First one is their actual logo, second one is the tiny one the online shops and such can use on their webpage to show they ship with them.

Sometimes they use the crown and post horn logo, either alone or with the PostNord logo. I think they use this one often to mark the shops that offer post services (no post offices anymore, just counters at shops), but honestly I have apparently paid so little of attention I can’t even recall that… So I will have to check next time I do groceries.

I feel like I am missing some type of logo, but I trust my fellow Swedish Postcrossers to jump in to correct me :thinking:


Wow Netherlands and Turkey have same and your country too! Nice

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Thank you for shared this information I liked more second one.

Nice to hear that you’re welcome.