Sending Postmarking Request from Oversea

Yeah… I can see it quite large. And even funnier, the indian stamps alone is biggg… :rofl:
Thank you so much

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Haha, indian stamps are really big nowadays

Large Pin code stamp with kanchipuram PPC

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You can also send cards pre-franked with Ålandic stamps via Åland and ask them to cancel them with some of their special cancellations or post office cancellations:

They cancel up to 30 cards free in one batch.

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Great information, thank you!

Do you know if I can request a dated cancellation on Saturday or Sunday from any of the Aland agencies?

I am not entirely sure, but the post office in central Mariehamn is also open on Saturdays.

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One more question: Did Aland Post requires that the valid Aland stamp(s) must be greater than a certain value in order for the item to be cancelled? Or any Euro-currency stamp is fine? (For example, Japan Post requires that the stamp(s) must add up to 63 yen to request a cancel)

I only have 1.7 Euro Aland stamps and I wonder if I put one of these stamps on my postcard, they would be allowed to cancel it.

Hmm, I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. I guess if you don’t put enough stamp value, you’ll be charged the cost of extra stamps to add up to the correct value and affixing stamps to the card (0,15 €/stamp as stated in the price list). And 2x 1.7 € make the correct value for priority World (3.40 €).

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Look, i just sent 6 request letters to 6 different postoffice with nice pictorial Postmark

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Sorry I wasn’t clear :sweat_smile:

My question is related to cancellation for philatelic purpose, not for postal use. For example, in a maxicard creation, did Aland Post impose a minimal facial value for the stamp(s) to add up to? (Japan did, which is 63 yen currently.) To be more precise, if I send the following cards to the post office in central Mariehamn, will they cancel my cards individually, or do I need to add more stamps to the 1.7 € that is currently fixed on the image side of the cards?

I understand that my return envelope would need to have stamps of 3.40 € affixed for the whole (under 20g) to be sent back to Canada. But I am asking about the maxicards I aim at creating, not the return envelope that will be postally used.

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That’s so interesting. We don’t have such a service here. And I definitely will to try it some day when I get India stamps.

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Sharing more information about how i send my SASEs,
SASE- Self Addressed Stamped Envelope:)
I regularly try to send SASEs to different postoffices across india to request nice pictorial Postmark available there, and look at these wonderful cancellations reached me this week🫶
Process of SASE:

  1. Prepare a envelope written to address of Post office which offers a PPC (permanent pictorial cancellation)
  2. Add few stationary (ie. Yellow postcards, inland letter card, and pictorial cards with enough postage to get cancellation)
  3. Add a envelope with your address and fold it
  4. Now, add a nice short note for the staff to request the PPC:)
  5. Add all the things mentioned in envelope addressed to post office (fold the cover addressed to you if don’t fits)

And wait, you’ll receive your cards soon!!!

Ps. I send SASEs in ordinary mail, with india post stationaries only, but you can send any cover with stamp.
Also use enough postage on cover addressed to you to reach you back home:))

Happy collecting these Postmarks))

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In China we also make up a name and use Poste Restante service to get postmarks

That’s a really clear instructions. I guess it’s just same for post offices across the world. Maybe the little details like additional fee and card dimensions that makes the difference.

Thank you

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Yeah, card dimensions might be different for all countries, but here in india no one know about it, so everything goes mostly, so don’t worry:) i wish you try your First SASE sooon, and if you want a List of all post offices across india with PPC, PM me your email address, I’ll mail a pdf, and also how to form address with, name and pincode

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Unfortunately, I can’t find an answer to this. Maybe you can try and send the cards to the post office in Mariehamn with a return encelope and a note explaining what what you want them to do?

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I think this way is also available in China,but information is harder to find,especially for foreigners.If anybody wonna request a postmark from China Post,PM me to get some help​:crazy_face::face_with_monocle:

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