Sending in batches to new members

I’m a newbie. Joined on the 1st Nov NZ time. I’m super excited to get my first postcards. I was only going to start with three but got too excited and did all 5 ofy allowance. :joy:


I can’t speak for others but I am a new member and found the site from an article in the UK’s Guardian newspaper on Tuesday:

I’ve already written my first five cards (and posted three of them) so now think it’s just a case of waiting for them to be received until I (1) start receiving cards myself and equally exciting (2) can send some more!

I have had recipients in Germany, France, Russia, Belgium and the USA so it might be a while before they arrive at their destinations. Hope I’ve done it right! I’ve spent the morning so far on the forums and there are so many considerations I didn’t even make when writing the postcards!


Welcome to :postcrossing: Postctossing community, Richard! :partying_face:

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Hi all!

I am a new member and very excited to send postcards to people all over the world! I have send cards to Russia, Germany, USA, Japan and China, so it will take a while before they will arrive!
I don’t understand why people participate in something and then don’t register the cards they recieve! I hope my cards will arrive soon, so that I can recieve cards as well! I am also excited that I am from a kind of rare country. So far only 460 cards have been send from my country!

Kind regards Inez


Welcome @Inez001

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Oh wow, I had no idea the Guardian covered the topic! It’s good that it is brought to the public that these hobbies exist - I rarely talk of this hobby to other people, too long to explain somehow. But even if people are not interested, it is good that there is an awareness that letter-writing and postcards still exist…!

Or you can just not overthink it :slight_smile: Sometimes I have wished I had not got involved in the forum (but I have a weird addiction to forums that’s been going on for almost 20 years, so what can I do) because I would be more “free” in my enjoyment of the hobby and there would be think I’d never consider - I guess like you, I had not thought of a lot of things before I joined the forum, but in some cases maybe it was better that way :smiley: (e.g. overthinking what to send)


Hello Inez!
Welcome from Italy! It’s great to have a new member from a rare country. I hope you won’t get overwhelmed with swap requests from all over the world, although you may want to do some private swaps while your official postcards are travelling.
You can find the big Dutch-speaking community here:
and the Help section here, should you need help:
I hope you will get hooked and send many postcards!

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Excellent suggestion from my expat neighbour! Don’t think too much about how to do Postcrossing right, since there isn’t one proper way of taking part in this project. Just send the postcards you have, with the stamps you have, and you’ll be respecting the guidelines. When I started, in 2008, we all sent view-cards, and we didn’t have (m)any demanding members, so it was easy and relaxing. Try to keep it an enjoyable hobby without worrying about the recipients’ reactions. You will learn more tips and tricks as you become more experienced. :wink:


Thank you for your help!

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I just requested addresses for eight postcards (Canada, Belarus, India, Italy, Netherlands, and Singapore) and each of these Postcrossers have one sent postcard! I can’t believe this is correct. This is quite discouraging because I’ve had bad luck with new Postcrossers: they lose interest quickly (particularly if they are young) and don’t bother to register the postcard.

Has this happened to anyone else?

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Think of it this way, you get to send these people their first ever card - what a chance to give them a wonderful welcome.


That’s not the issue. The problem is that the algorithm shouldn’t be giving anyone 8 addresses in a row that belong to new Postcrossers who have only sent one postcard.


Yes, that happened to me some time ago. (I had a look, it was in October 2020)
With repeated countries on I draw 30 addresses in Russia in a row which sent 1 and receive 0.
Result was: 25 cards registered, 5 expired.


Never happened to me.
Do they have empty profile? My experience with newbie with empty profile was always bad.
As long as I remember I only got 3 newbies profile; 2 with empty profile, 1 with profile.
Those 2 never comeback to register my cards and never reply to my messages.

Two had empty profiles, two had rather detailed profiles, and the rest had the briefest amount of info in the profile. I’ll keep track of these eight and will update when (and if) they’re registered!

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happened to me, too.

I also have had this happen to me. I will say go on and send them because odds are, one of them will get there. I have done resends for people after expiration, especially if they are newer. Patience is a virtue with this project it seems, as sometimes life gets busy.


That happend to me from time to time, too. I like writing to new members, of course some cards to newbies never arrive, but also to long-term members.

I have no source, but somewhere in the forum I read, that the admins have first to “confirm” an address and usually do this in batches.


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so many new members in a row, but at times I’ve sent to many new members. But normally I take one address and write it.

I think it so, that also I was a new member once, and I might have been some ones “this one will not register my card”-person. I try to make extra sure the id is visible and clear, so they remember to register, and write something like “welcome to Postcrossing” so they know/remember where the card is from.

