Searching in Messages!

See I am searching for view rr yet this is happening. The search :mag: isn’t working :sob::broken_heart:

In almost 4 years on that Forum the search in private mails never worked for me. So I keep very important informations in an Excel sheet.



Do you get email notifications of your postcrossing messages. I do, so when the search function on here won’t work, I use the search function on my email account x


Absolutely, that’s what i do, as you exchange address in textual format, even if sender didn’t mentioned their user id on card but by just name or country/city name can help in search in e-mail app, really really help!!!
E-mails are my saviour


The reason why I say I have only one single brain cell that is functioning because after writing postcards and sending mails and proof. I delete email :sob::broken_heart:

Have you alteady found it?

You could also try to search for the RR host if the view RR with @username (I assume they send out the adresses).

And maybe “View RR” was not in the message at all, perhaps a nother keyword like the group number might work.

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Thank you for your kind words, sadly I was looking for a private swap / exchange :smiling_face_with_tear::broken_heart:

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One possibility is that the message itself was deleted which is why it is not showing up. If the message was sent by another person, then they can remove you from the message and also remove themselves.

I have the same @abujoist I received a card from China today, somebody thanking me for sending her/his mom a card, but there is no name on the card and I can’t tell from my Excel file either who it should be.

Search in the message section is a crime and frustrating, is my experience… since it never gives the result I am looking for so I have to go all the messages by looking at them for the right person. Only in this case I have no clue who to look for and a search on CHINA doesn’t give me any results… :sweat:


:sob::sob: i know right. It is getting worse :sob::sob: and how many emails can I save for months together :sob: I wish things were easier :sob::broken_heart:

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