School age people

Is there a way to limit postcards only to those who are attending school

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No, not for the official Postcrossing postcards. It is totally random and there’s no way to exclude or choose only certain people.

If you only want to send to people attending school, you can offer to swap unofficial postcards in the forums.

There are meetups from time to time for Under 20 years old Postcrossers - this last one didn’t go ahead, but I’d send Jo a message & look out for future ones.

There are lots of younger Postcrossers looking for swaps in the Forum, enjoy!

If you are wanting to send to schools and students look in the forum education discussion. Many teachers arrange for cards to be sent to their classes

I think she asks for her daughter.
Right @01Alyissa10?
So maybe cuzcopetes suggestion helps you or you ask for it in the penpal section